Love Life Chapter 1

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So our story begins from here in Delhi.
It was 8 in the morning. When suddenly SM 1 starts shouting on SM 2.
(So SM 1 is Vaishnavi's Aunty Jiya and SM 2 is Vaishnavi . I will use Vaishu for Vaishnavi. )

Jiya : You bloody girl don't you know how to wash utensils.

Vaishu : I am so sorry aunty (Chachi ) but suddenly I heard a loud bang sound that is why that plate fell from my hand.

Jiya : Shut up you idiot . You just know how to make excuses. Now I will teach you a lesson.

Saying this she starts beating Vaishu . She is crying and asking her to leave her.

Suddenly Jiya saw Jay (her son ) coming downstairs. (To let you know Jiya always pretend in front of him that She is innocent. )

Jiya : Listen you idiot Jay is coming don't you dare say anything to him or else you know what I will do. (With evil smile ) .
Saying this she left

Jay comes and directly hugs Vaishu.

Jay (in a loving manner) : Good morning di .

Vaishu (trying to hold her tears and with a fake smile) : Good morning Jay .
Jay saw Tears in Vaishu's eyes .

Jay : What happened di ? Why are you crying ? Again mom , dad or Sheena did something ? I am not going to leave them . 

Vaishu : No Jay nothing like that happened. I was just missing Avu .

(So Avneet lives in Mumbai . She is completing her studies . She lives in the hostel. )

Jay : Oh so that is the problem don't worry di pack your bag you are going to meet Avu I will book your tickets .

Vaishu : But it will cost too much Jay and where will I live because Avu is living in hostel .

Jay : Don't worry di . My friend Reem lives in Mumbai , she have a flat which is empty. I will talk to her about that .

Vaishu : OK Jay but if uncle and Aunty would be having any problem then .

Jay : You don't worry about that di . if I am there for you na di .

Vaishu : aww my sweet bro.

(skips till next day )

Vaishu : Jay I am ready .
Jay :  Yes di coming .

Jay comes downstairs and her took Vaishu's bag and they left

(Skips till reaching airport )
Jay : Di Call me after you reach there . Be careful .

Vaishu : OK Jay , Now you don't worry about me you go you will be getting late .

Jay : No problem di and don't worry call me if you have any problem.

Vaishu : OK Jay .

Then Vaishu sits on her seat and she was very happy because after 2 years she will be meeting Avneet .

After some minutes a young man came and sat beside Vaishu . He was wearing a red jacket . Everyone was staring him .  He is Abhishek Nigam.

 This is his pic 👆

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This is his pic 👆

As Vaishu doesn't watch TV, She didn't know who is he . Everyone was calling him Sir . There were his many fans in that flight . Many of them came and asked for selfie . Seeing this Vaishu got confused.

(Follow me on Instagram : tamanna_show)
(YouTube Channel : Tamanna Show )

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