Chapter 3.

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After a little bit Herb finally made it to the grocery store. He went inside and began looking for the ingredients. After 10 minutes he looked at the list and had half on the ingredients off the list. "phew only a few more ingredients to go-" Herb paused when he looked up from his list to see Sparkling over at the juice aisle. Herb began to panic in his head. " It's Sparkling what do I do? Do I say hi or let him notice me should I walk by him?!" Panicking for a moment he took a deep breath and decided to go over to Sparkling and say hi. Gathering courage he went over to him.  blushing, he finally said
" Hey Sparkling!" Sparkling to turn his head over to Herb "Oh hello Herb I didn't see ya! How are you?" Sparkling smiled while slightly blushing.''Oh i'm good just y'know buying some stuff, how about you?" "Well I'm doing good. I'm buying more juice since Vamp dranked most if not all of it, and had to kick him out this morning. It wasn't easy" Sparkling and Herb laughed a little. "Oh funny thing, earlier he came by my house and asked me if I had any juice, and told him no, y'know like a liar?" both began to laugh more. "He had the audacity to come by your house for more juice!" Sparkling said. laughing more they took a minute to calm down.
" Hey Herb, if you happen to not be busy this afternoon do you wanna come to my bar and hang out? I told Clover to ask you and I didn't know if he asked you or not" "oh he did I said yes! Can't wait to hang out" Herb began blushing more."That's good he asked you, I'm excited too Herb!" Sparkling blushed a little more. "oh yeah before I forget Hows the flower I gave you a month ago? Do you like it?" "Of course! I love it, Sparkling! And it's going well too! Clover told me it was looking good so far!" "That's good! I thought you may like it!" Sparkling smiled more.
"well as much as I love to talk more, unfortunately I gotta head back to the bar and make sure if Vamp didn't break in or anything!" "Okay Sparkling! Hopefully he didnt break in! That'll be a not so good situation!" laughed Herb. "yeah! Well goodbye Herb I'll see you later!!" then began waving goodbye and walking away. "Goodbye Sparkling!" smiling more he went back to his list and got the rest of the ingredients. Clover in the background having a smirk on his face and rubbing his hands together mumbling "It's all coming together!" Then Clover hid himself so Herb wouldn't know he was there. Then Herb headed back home.
After a while he got home and got excited about making the gift. "Okay, time to make the gift-" but then heard another knock on the door. "Mmm I bet it's Vamp again, he must've seen me coming back in with the groceries" he went to open the door but to surprise it wasn't Vamp. It was Gingerbrave and Strawberry.

Herbs gift to Sparkling CookieWhere stories live. Discover now