Chapter 7.

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After some time it was 1:50 pm. And they got to where Wizard cookie was, still in the boobytrap. "We're back with rope Wizard cookie!!" Gingerbarve said happily. "IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!" Wizard cookie asked more annoyed and angrier. "We went to the village and the other side of the village to get materials for the rope!!" Herb said. "Okay that's good but I'M PAST READY TO GET OUT OF HERE!!" "Don't worry will get you out!" Strawberry said. "Okay, so I'll throw the rope down to Wizard cookie and on three we all pull and he gets out!" Herb explained. The two nodded and Herb threw the rope down to Wizard cookie and the others got into position. "Okay everyone ready?" Herb asked. "Ready!" Gingerbrave and Strawberry cookie replied. "Okay on the count of 3...1...2...3!!!"
They all began pulling Wizard cookie out of the boobytrap. "Phew!! I thought I was never going to get out of there!! Thank you all three! I apologize for being harsh earlier!" "You're welcome Wizard Cookie and it's okay!!" Herb happily said. "You're welcome, Wizard cookie!! And thank you Herb for helping us get him outta there!!" Gingerbrave said. "No problem! If anyone needs help I'm always here!" Herb said. They all smiled at each other. "Well as much as we like to stay here and talk more we have a quest to continue!!" Wizard cookie said in a happy tone. "That's right! Well we'll see you soon Herb bye bye!!" Gingerbrave said and Wizard and Strawberry cookie started waving goodbye to Herb and going on their quest. "Bye bye guys see y'all later!!" Then waving goodbye Herb then started heading back home.
Then he finally arrived home and went to his living room next to the couch and let out a yawn "Man, helping others and getting some rope sure is a lot of work and exhausting at the end. I'm sure a small nap won't hurt...I'm pretty sure I was supposed to do something-" Before Herb could think more about what he was supposed to do he fell on his couch and went to sleep.

Herbs gift to Sparkling CookieWhere stories live. Discover now