Chapter 8.

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Couple hours later it was 3:45 pm. Herb finally woke up and yawned. " That was a good nap...hey was I supposed to make something?..." Herb questioned himself and realized " OH NO THE GIFT FOR SPARKLING!!! I FORGOT WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!" Herb then looked at the time. " 3:45?!?! OH NO I'LL BE LATE TO SEE SPARKLING!!!" Panicking Herb rushed into the kitchen and began making the cookies and the heart shaped chocolate. Herb finally finished it all and then wrote a note and put everything in a small bag, and went to the bathroom and got a shower and dressed, then headed to Sparklings bar.
It was 4:30 pm. Herb thought about Sparkling where he is. He finally made it to his bar and went inside and went to
find Sparkling. Then he found him washing his counter, Herb blushed then walked up to him. "Hey Sparkling sorry I'm a bit late!!" Herb apologized. Sparkling looked up from wiping the counter blushing. " Oh hello Herb! You're just in time, actually I was about to close cause I didn't know if you were busy and couldn't come!" "Oh I'm sorry!! I actually had to help with Gingerbrave and Strawberry cookie getting Wizard cookie out of a boobytrap." Herb laughed a little. "Well that's good that you helped them get him out of there!" Sparkling also began to laugh a little too.
"Oh do you want something to drink? I got all kinds of flavors this morning!" Sparkling asked. "Sure!" "Okay! What flavor would you like?" Sparkling asked while getting two glasses "Do you have any fruit punch flavor? It's my favorite!" "Sure do! I knew it was your favorite flavor!" Herb then began to giggle a little "If you knew it was my favorite, why did you ask me what kind of flavor I wanted?" "Well I just wanted to ask and make sure!" Then Sparkling poured him and Herb two glasses of fruit punch. "Here you go!" Sparkling said while giving the drink to Herb. "Thank you Sparkling!" They both began to blush a little more. "You're welcome!" Herb then remembered about the gift. "Oh I almost forgot!" He placed the gift on the counter. Sparkling looked a little confused. "Oh what's this?" he asked Herb in a confused tone "Oh it's for you! I thought about making a gift for you with some treats in it! and it was another reason I was a little late." Herb said, Sparkling then began to get flustered . "Oh thank you Herb, that's really nice of you! Can I go ahead and open it?" He asked Herb. "You're welcome! And of course!" Herb replied while drinking his juice. "Thank you!"
Then Sparkling opened the bag and pulled out his favorite homemade sugar cookies, heart shaped chocolate, and a note. Sparkling gasped at the stuff Herb made for him. "Did you bake the cookies and make the chocolate just for me?" He asked Herb while looking surprised. "Sure did! I did it all for you!!" Herb said happily. "T-Thank you s-so much..." Sparkling began getting more flustered. "You're welcome!" "Hey you wanna come over to my place tonight and maybe watch a movie?" Sparkling asked. Herb blushing more and flattered by his offer. "T-That will be nice...thank you!." "Okay! Um, do you wanna go over there now?" He asked Herb. "Sure!" "Okay well let's go then!"
Sparkling gathered his gift and he and Herb headed to Sparkling's house but little did they know Clover was still there and Sparkling left the letter. He watched them head out and went up to the counter. Clover then began to laugh. "THOSE FOOLS DIDN'T KNOW THAT I'M STILL HERE!!!" He began to laugh more and wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh those fools!!..." Clover looked around over the counter and saw the note Sparkling dropped, it said 'To Sparkling, From Herb' then he began to smirk a little "Well well well what do we have here?" Clover picked up the letter. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I opened it up and read it. I mean they left it here so why not read it?" Then he opened up the letter and started reading it. Then Clover smirked more and laughed. "I knew it all along..."

To be continued?...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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