Chapter 1

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Mal was enjoying her time with Ben as she was thinking of her mother who is now a lizard she sighed and thought"Why is my Mom like this?."But Mal didn't know at that time was a certain low-tier god heard her wish and decided to grant her wish.

As all VK Mal, Carlos, Evie,Jay and Ben got teleported into a room filled with people who they quickly recognized as Audrey, Aurora Philip, Leah and Ingrith were all present. The other royals were Chad,Jane, Lonnie, Doug, and their parents as Leah was angry at seeing Mal as he yelled"Mal is this your doing ?"

Mal rolled her eyes as she hated Leah as the women always tried to frame her for some trouble or the other as figure with white hair and yellow eyes appeared in the middle of the room as he smiled and said"I see that everyone has arrived so let's get show on the road."

Adam or Beast as he was now called questioned"Who are you? and Did you summon us all?"The figure smiled and explained"My name is Watcher,like the name suggest I watch different universes."Mal with slight confusion asked"So you are like a God."

Watcher nodded and replied"Yes a low their God,but a god nonetheless.Just stronger than the so-called gods of your world."Ben was curious about this god as he asked"Why did you summon us all here?"

Watcher smiled and said"Well I was bored and was watching over your world when I am came across Mal over here wishing to know why her mom was so cruel?"

Mal was surprised at the fact it was her wish that brought everyone here as

Watcher smiled and answered, "Your mother is like this because she was corrupted by certain curse."Some of the Royals like Philip,Leah,Beast and Ingrith flinched hearing about the curse on Maleficent.

Mal with confusion asked, "Corrupted?"Beast cut in"It is forbidden."Watcher smirked and asked, "What are you afraid you children will find out the true story of Maleficent."

Ben knew something was amiss as he asked"What do you mean true story?"Watcher sighed and explained, "Your mother was not actually evil like she is now nor was she like the stories portrayed."Mal shook her head in denial and said"No that can't be possible my mother didn't care about me."

Watcher felt pity as he spoke, "Well that is because your mother has corrupted with magic her personality and moral compass everything changed because of certain people."The VK and AK were nervous and confused as Mal with slight rage asked"Who did that to my mother?"

Watcher gestured towards Queen Ingrith mother of Philip, Queen Leah mother of Aurora."Everyone was shocked as they couldn't believe the mother of the so-called mother of heroes did this as Mal who was ready to attack was calmed down by Ben as he looked at his father and questioned"Did you know about this?"

Beast winced seeing the accusing stare from his son as he spoke"Both Belle and I found out about it quite some time ago. We knew if people of Auradon learned the truth how Maleficent was really not evil, but was corrupted by two famous queens of all time. The whole kingdom would be in trouble so the only way was to keep this a secret."

Ben looked at his father with disgust as he asked"So you sacrificed Maleficent for these two monsters."Beast looked away and replied, "We couldn't help her as whatever magic they used couldn't be reversed."

Mal looked defeated as she muttered,"My mother was sacrificed by these so-called heroes."Watcher with a soft tone spoke, "Don't worry your mother is safe and is turned back to her old self."

Mal looked at the watcher with slight hope as he waved his hand as Maleficent appeared out of nowhere as Mal ran and hugged her mother as she repeatedly muttered"I am sorry."Maleficent teared up as she whispered, "Don't worry little dragon,after all, you didn't know about the curse."While VK and some AK looked at the scene with tears even Audrey seems to look at seen with slight warmth, but some like Leah, Ingrith, and Stefan glared and scoffed at Maleficent.

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