Chapter 12

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Both Mal and Aurora were slowly acting like real sisters. Sure they both were slightly jealous of each other like Aurora was jealous at the fact Mal was Maleficent's real blood-related daughter while Mal was jealous of Aurora's bond with Maleficent.As everyone soon returned to watching the movie. 

The screen showed illusion changed once more, showing a field on a cliff. Knotgrass, Flittie Thislewit were sitting down together, having a picnic on a mat. There a young Aurora, who was now a toddler,who was chasing after a butterfly and not too far away on the other side of the cliff, Maleficent was lying down on a tree branch, eating berries from the tree as she watched them, while Diaval was perched on a tree branch.

Mal questioned, "So Mom did you watch over Aurora all the time?"Maleficent nodded and replied, "Yes I grew attached to her and I didn't want her to starve to death under the Imbecile's care."

It seemed that Maleficent became bored. She held her left hand as yellow magic between her fingers, before she performed a pulling gesture.At that moment, Flittle, who was about to eat a cupcake, had her hair pulled to the side. "Ow!" The blue pixie exclaimed in pain before she looked at . She grabbed a bit of her hair and pulled it, before she let go. "Ow!" green pixie exclaimed before she grabbed Flittle's hair and pulled on it. Ow!" The blue pixie said in pain again.

Everyone facepalmed seeing this as they can't believe these three were fighting again. Jay son of Jaffar groaned and said"They can't seem to stop fighting with each other."Jaffar nodded with his son and added "Yes these three are defiantly more stupid than Jasmine's father."While Aladdin, Jasmine and their son Aziz wanted to deny that accusation, but a part of them knew it was true as the Sultan was pretty naive and a bad king

Maleficent wasn't done yet as yellow magic reappeared in her  hand's  as she pulled it down. At that moment, Knotgrass's was flung of her, pushing her a bit from the surprise. Knotgrass looked at Thislewit, then at Flittle, before she groaned in anger. and said"You!" she then Flittle tackled Thislewit to the group and began fighting with each other.

Mal and Maleficent smiled in amusement at Maleficent pranking the pixie's and making them fight among each other. 

Toddler Aurora was trying to catch a butterfly in her hands, but was failing with the insect flying away. Aurora chasing after the butterfly, wanting to catch it greatly and paid no to her fighting aunts. Young Maleficent and Diaval were the only to notice Aurora running towards the edge of the cliff. Maleficent with an emotionless tone said, "Oh, look. The little beast is about to fall off the cliff".Aurora having no idea how much danger she was in, kept chasing after the butterfly towards the cliff.

This got the people of Auradon to gasp in horror. Lonnie with a worried tone questioned, "Please tell me that you saved her?"Maleficent rolled her eye and said"As you can see Aurora here is alive and well,so obviously I saved her."

Lonnie was still worried, but she looked back at the screen and watched. 

Diaval started to get worried as he began cawing at his mistress, telling her to do something. Aurora kept chasing after the butterfly and was closer to the edge, before eventually falling off the cliff.

People of Aurora gasped in horror as Aurora screamed out as she fell as Mal unconsciously clung to her new sister Aurora and Maleficent.

Maleficent closed her eyes and focused her magic, before reopened them. Branches hanging on the cliff caught the falling Aurora , who tried to reach out to the butterfly, before bringing her back to the . Everyone watching gasped in relief, while Mal smiled at her mother, who returned it.Diaval had covered his face with his right wing, before he lifted his and saw that Aurora was safe. He looked at his mistress, who looked at him, and gave her a thankful caw. "What?" The young Mistress of Evil questioned her old friend, who just gave her a caw with his head tilted. Young Maleficent looked back at the cliff towards Aurora and saw her walking back the three disguised pixies, before she leaned her head back and sighed her eyes closed.

Ben was curious and questioned, "Why did you save her?"Ben now saw that Maleficent was definitely not a villain like the stories portrayed. Maleficent shrugged and replied, "To be honest, I didn't know what made me save her at that time". getting everyone to look at her in confusion at her words.

Maleficent continued"I acted before I could even think. After all I watched her grow up at that time I didn't know when I grew attached to her. ". Maleficent grew a fond smile she remembered when she began to care for Aurora. Diaval smiled as he what happened next, the first official meeting of Maleficent and the girl that would move her stone heart.

The screen changed once more, showing them an aerial view of the cottage.As  Aurora running out of the cottage with an excited look on her face. The illusion changed once more to show Maleficent, wearing the same dress when she first visited Aurora, a scrapped tree with her magic. However, she felt a presence behind, getting Maleficent to slowly look over to left and saw young Aurora behind her.The young Aurora greeted"Hello"with a happy smile on her face.

The people of Auradon had wide eyes of shock at seeing this meeting, having never expected something like this.

Leah questioned"Well, you met Aurora this early."

Maleficent nodded and answered, "I never meant to meet Aurora like this, but she found me when I wasn't looking, but a part of me is happy that we did". Maleficent had a genuine smile as did Diaval.

Dival who was perched on a tree and scratching his right-wing, before he took notice of Aurora looking at his mistress and gave a small caw.Maleficent fully turned around to face the young child and looked down at Aurora, who was still looking at her with a happy smile. The two stared at each other for a moment, before Young Maleficent broke the silence. "Go away. Go". The young Mistress of Evil told the child as she waved her left hand away, telling Aurora to go away. Aurora didn't listen and instead began walking closer to the Dark Fey. "Go away".

Young Maleficent repeated, but Aurora still didn't listen and instead did something that took the entire people of Auradon by surprise.

Aurora wrapped her arms around Young Maleficent's waist and gave her a hug, making the younger version of the Mistress of Evil give a small cry of surprise.

Mal, Ben, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Doug, Jane, Fairy Godmother, Adam, and Belle had wide eyes in disbelief and gaping mouths at seeing the child hug perhaps the most terrifying woman they've ever seen in their lives.

Maleficent, Aurora, and Diaval both smiled fondly at the memory, this one being one of their favorites as Mal questioned"Did you hit your head when you are young, sis?"

Aurora mock glared with a gave fake laugh and said"Very funny, Mal"
Maleficent chuckled agreeing with her daughter on this.

Maleficent frowned and said"I don't like children"but Aurora kept hugging her.Diaval was watching the scene of his mistress and Aurora closely, even leaning his head down a bit to get a closer look ah He gave a small caw, getting Maleficent to look up at him.  Aurora with small smile said "Up, up"getting Young Maleficent to look down her.

All the females expect Maleficent awed at the scene,while Maleficent 

Maleficent looked away as she crouched down, picked Aurora up under her arms, and held her up to her face. The young Aurora placed her hands on Maleficent's horns, getting Maleficent to blink at her actions. After keeping her hands there for a bit, Aurora let go of Maleficent's horns and played with her dress's collar for a bit, before she hummed a bit.

Leah smiled and said, "Aurora you were pretty fearless to go and grab Maleficent's horns."Aurora blushed in embarrassment. While Mal just grinned at Aurora both were starting to act like sisters.

Maleficent slowly placed Aurora down on the ground in the opposite direction and said"Mmm. Go along. Go, go, go"as Aurora began walking away back to the cottage. While Maleficent looked peaceful.

Mal smiled and said, "Mom you looked so peaceful."

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