Chapter 11

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During the break, Fairy Godmother apologized to Maleficent about her imprisonment in the isles as Maleficent forgave her only because of her daughter as she felt Jane was a good friend of Mal and she didn't want to forbid the girl from visiting her homeland.

While Mal,Jane,Aurora,Evie and Lonnie all discussed about going to visit the Moors after this as both Maleficent agreed to bring the Moor's back.Everyoen soon went back to their seats and was ready to watch the rest of the movie.

The voice soon spoke, "As the days went on, darkened, further consumed by and vengeance."The scene changed again, this time revealing them in a dining room. In the Dining room was a couple of soldiers facing Stefan as he gave them orders.

Everyone in the audience either glared or frowned at Stefan on screen and in the audience,Mal let a small growl as Maleficent calmed her down. While Jaffar shook his head and said"Look, I know I am villian.But I know when a  guy is crazy."Everyone agreed with Jaffar s all of them could tell there is something wrong with Stefan.

The illusion changed to reveal outside at the gateway to the Moors, only thousands of soldiers, some riding atop horses, carrying torches and catapults were in front of the wall of thorns. The captain ordered his men"Burn it all down!". A soldier replied to the captain"Yes, sir!", before he ran towards one of the catapults' unlit fireballs. One of the soldiers called out"Flame!" as they lit the fireballs up with their torches.

Mal was slightly worried about the Moors and about her mother, but Maleficent placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. Mal looked at her mother and saw her reassuring smile, getting the purple-haired girl to smile at the Dark Fey. 

The captain called out "Release!" as he brought his right arm down, The catapults fired the fireballs towards the air, which rained down on the wall of thorns and set them up aflame. The soldiers continued to fire more fireballs towards the wall of thorns, setting it more on fire than before. The soldiers cheered at seeing the wall of thorns burn in front of them. 

Jane with a worried tone asked"They won't get in right?" as she was worried about all the fairies in Moors after all this was her home and that was being attacked.

Mal was concerned for the Moors upon seeing the wall burn as Maleficent spoke"Don't worry they won't get past the wall."Mal and Jane nodded as both were worried about the innocents living in Moor's.

However, the soldiers' cheering died down when the burning thorns began moving by itself. The scene changed to show the other side of the wall, where Maleficent was using her green magic to control the thorns. The illusion changed back to the other side as the flaming thorns lifted themselves up, frightening the soldiers and their captain.

Everyone gasped in surprise seeing the thorns moving.

Thus the chaos began as the flaming thorns began slamming onto the catapults and soldiers, causing them to scream as they run away for their lives. The Scene changed back to show Maleficent watching the carnage without even flinching. The illusion changes sides to show the carnage continuing with one flaming thorn grabbing one soldier, before throwing him into the air. The night sky was filled with the cries of men and the laughter of Maleficent.

Beast, Belle, Ben, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Doug, Fairy Godmother, Belle, and Adam all watched in slight fear as some of the soldiers were struck by the flaming thorns. While Mal, Aurora, and Jane looked relieved that Stefan's man didn't get through the wall.Jane mainly because this was her mother's birthplace her homeland.

Beast questioned, "Did you have to kill them?"Maleficent glared at the idiot and answered"They were trying to break into the Moor's to not only kill me but also destroy all the inhabitants. of Moors."Even Ben found his father's question to be idiotic sure he liked peace, but that doesn't mean he was foolish to believe his enemies will not kill any of his people.While Watcher decided to pitch in"You know Beast you are the 3rd most hated person after Stefan and Pixies in Moors."

Everyone was surprised hearing this especially Beast who was shocked and asked"Why do they hate me?I didn't do any thing to them?"

Watcher with slight disgust replied"You ordered and forced Fairygodmother to bring all the villains who died back to life and then imprisoned them and innocent Malefcient in the Isles and even forbidden the use of magic,which is something that is wrong to do to all magic users or fairies as magic is part of them imprisoning them made people like Jaffar and Maleficent in the isles where magic is disabled is torture for them and Mal didn't feel it is because of her godly heritage."

Mal and Jay looked at their mother and father respectively as both gave them sad smile.Jay ran and hugged his father while Mal clung to her mother and cried.Ben was becoming  more and more disgusted with his father as Belle whispered to Beast"Your hatered for magic is going to make you lose your son." Beast winced as he saw his son look at him with digust.

The screen changed back to show the same room in the castle from before with Stefan facing the fireplace said"You failed me" as he slowly turned around to look at the captain. The captain replied in a defeated tone"The wall cannot be burned. It is indestructible".the poor guy had many burnt scratches on his face along with his men behind him all of them accepted defeat. Stefan walked up to the captain, in front of him, before he backhanded him with his right hand. 

The people of Auradon gasped at what he did to his own soldier as Jaffar frowned and said"What kind of stupid king are you, Stefan? These soldiers fought against Maleficent a magic-user for god sake, while you sat inside your cozy castle."Stefa scowled and looked away, while Watcher added his thought"Stefan is the worst King Auradon had as even King Henry didn't take his anger out on his soldiers after his defeat at the hands of Maleficent.The interesting thing is many rejoiced when he was gone."

While Stefan frowned at this some laughed at him for being such a bad king that his people practically celebrated when he was gone.

 Stefan in pure rage yelled"Nothing is indestructible!", before he began to walk over to the table with the mini version of the castle on it as Stefan continued his rant"Not the -wall! Not Maleficent! Not even her curse!" as he knocked cups off the table before he brought out a dagger and stabbed it into the table. 

Mal looked a little satisfied upon seeing Stefan so frustrated as she muttered"He deserved it, after all the things he did to my mother."Ben grabbed her hand as Mal looked at Ben and gave small smile saying she was okay.

Stefan took a few deep breaths to calm down with everyone in the room watching him. Stefan looked down at his dagger before he picked it up from the table with his right hand and inspected it closely. He placed his left hand's fingers on the blade and inspected it greatly from every angle. He lifted his head up and looked at his servants. Stefan ordered, "Bring me the ironworkers".

This got Mal to gasp in horror upon hearing her mother's weakness as she said"Oh no".While Maleficent gently squeezed Mal's shoulder to calm her down as she whispered "Don't worry, that won't help him". While Aurora held Maleficent's hand though she knew Moors was safe, She was still worried about all the inhabitants of Moors.

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