Chapter 2

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Whole Mal was happily chatting with her mother as Watcher arrived once again as he smiled and said"I have brought a new guest for you guys."

As everyone leaned forward to see who the new person is,as with flash of light two figures appeared one was black haired green eyed handsome man and the other was blue haired blue eyed person.Maleficent recognized both of them as she was happy seeing the first one,but frowned seeing the other.
While the black haired person bowed and introduced "My name is Diaval."
Everyone was confused as he explained"I guess you people know me as Diablo."

This shocked everyone as Diaval went and bowed to Maleficent and then to Mal who was surprised as she did not have good relationship with Diablo or Diaval as he spoke"I was also affected by the curse,so forgive me for how I treated you young mistress."
Mal nodded and forgave him as she knew he was not himself as they chatted for while as Male found the real Diaval to be awesome.But it was interrupted by our Blue haired guest who frowned and spoke up"Nice to see you again Maleficent and for those who don't know me I am Hade God of Underworld and father of Mal."The last part was with arrogant tone as it was aimed at Dival who rolled his eyes and stood next to his mistress.While Mal frowned at her father who practically abandoned her and her mother who was cursed as she was sure he knew about this and that is the reason he had left.
Before Hades could speak with Mal or Maleficent Watcher interrupted"I know you guys want to speak to each other,but please talk to each other after the film."

Mal and Maleficent nodded as they ignored Hades and went to their seats with Mal being on Maleficents right and Diaval being on her left.While frowned seeing this.

The screen soon showed young Maleficent escorting Stefan outsider thr Moors as they soon reached his Kingdom as Young Stefan pointing to the castle at a distance spoke"Someday, you know I'll live there, in the castle."

Young Maleficent was confused and questioned"Where do you live now?"Young stefan with embarrassment answered" In a barn."

While some of VK having lived pretty terrible lives as Carlos spoke"Why is he so embarrassed at the fact he is a peasant."
Even some if AK's and heroes didn't understand Stefan's problem as Aladdin spoke"While I can understand his ambition to be king,but he seems to just want the crown."Aladdin understood Stefan's dream to be rich as he too dreamed about it once but he valued Jasmine far more than the crown.
The heroes nodded with Aladdin as some of them narrowed their eyes at Stefan who ignored them.

Young Maleficent" So your parent are farmers, then."Young Stefan with slight stern tone replied" My parents are dead."Young Maleficent felt bad as she said"Mine too."Stefan looks at Maleficent for a moment and said" We'll see each other again."

Stefan stood up and starts to walk off as
Maleficent spoke" You really shouldn't come back here, you know. It's not safe." Young Stefan replied "And if I made that choice? If I came back, would you be here?"

Young Maleficent spoke"Perhaps."Stefan extend his hands to her and as she goes to shake it,but she winced as gets burned from his ring yelped in pain" Ow!"

Everyone got alarmed hearing Maleficent's scream as they wanted to know what happened,so did Mal and Diaval who looked at screen with worry.

Young Stefan with slight worried tone asked"What's wrong?"Young Maleficent winced and replied" Your ring! Iron burns fairies."

Everyone looked at Maleficent with surprise as Lonnie asked"Does iron really burn fairies?"
Fairy godmother and Maleficent nodded as. Maleficent explained"It does not affect fairies now as magic in the world has become too saturated due to the presence of gods and other supernatural beings."
Everyone nodded as they went back to watching the movie.

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