Chapter 17

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The screen showed it's night time in the Moors where the glowing plans and fairies were busy flying around. Maleficent was in deep thought watching Aurora, who was kneeling talking with other fairies, some of them were flying around her . Aurora soon gets up and runs joins Maleficent as she asked"So all the fair people have wings? Maleficent keeps walking and answered"Most do."

Leah frowned and said, "Aurora it is rude to ask such personal things

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Leah frowned and said, "Aurora it is rude to ask such personal things."Aurora blushed with embarrassment.

 Aurora questioned"Then why don't you? All the other fairies fly."

 Maleficent hesitated then turned to Aurora and answered"I had wings once, they were stolen from me. That's all I wish to say about."

Everyone could she was still hurting from the betrayal and the loss of her wings just reminded her of that time.

Aurora being curious asked" What color were they? Were they big?"

Maleficent was reminiscing about her wings as she replied"So big they dragged behind me when I walked. And they were strong. They could cart me above the clouds and into the headwinds." as she smiles remembering those memories she continued" And they never faltered, not even once. I could trust them."Aurora sensing Maleficent's sadness holds her hand as Maleficent walks away.

Mal was now wishing she had wings like her mom,while Ben seems to picture Male with wings as he found her enchanting.

 The scene then changes to Maleficent's wings inside the glass case and suddenly we hear Maleficent's screaming. Stefan wakes up from a nightmare gasping and panting as he muttered"She is coming."

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Everyone once again glared at Stefan, while Mal and Maleficent took slight pleasure in seeing him all worn out and paranoid

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Everyone once again glared at Stefan, while Mal and Maleficent took slight pleasure in seeing him all worn out and paranoid.

As Stefan wakes up one forge worker by throwing water in his face,we see this taking place inside the forge with torches lit along the way. Stefan questions" Where are your workers?"The forge worker coughs and replies" Uh... in their beds, Majesty." as Stefan walk through the forge inspecting everything as he said"Get them back to work without delay." the forge worker followed behind him and replied" They're exhausted, sire. But I'll have them back to work at first light."

Everyone except steadily frowned at the scene as they could tell how the worker already seemed to be tried as Jane with a worried tone said"He is going work them to death."
Watcher commented, "Actually many did die because of overworking and Stefan never allowed them to rest properly."

This caused many to be horrified and they were thinking about how horrible Stefan's rule was.

Stefan stepped and turned to face the worker and said"I need them back to work now."The forge worker with doubt asked," Tt's the wee hours."Stefan looked as if he was in deep thought simply said"Aye. Aye" as if he is acknowledging it as Stefan places his left hand on the worker's shoulder which makes him look at Stefan with surprise as he was confused and questionedSire?"Stefan suddenly grabs hold of the servant pushes him against the pillar and shouted"So wake them up,and get them back to work now!We're out of time! Go, now!"

Everyone scowled at seeing Stefan treat his people without a  hint of care. Carlos commented, "He is the worst king in the history of Aurodon."Ben was now thinking of writing the truth in history books, he was sure he could make Stefan an example about what a king shouldn't do or be like.

Stefan frowned seeing everyone agreeing with it.

Back in the moors one morning, Maleficent sits and watches Aurora lovingly stroke a creature having beak like snout and some kind of wings in their back it was known as Dragon Raven as Maleficent called out"Aurora? Come here."

Mal seeing the dragon raven said, "So it swim and fly too, that is very interesting

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Mal seeing the dragon raven said, "So it swim and fly too, that is very interesting."Maleficent added, "They are attracted to pure souls."

Everyone understood what Maleficent was saying the Dragon raven saw Aurora as a pure soul.

Aurora goes over Maleficent as the Dragon Raven glides and follows behind her before noticing Maleficent gesturing him to go as he flys away.

Maleficent gestures Aurora to sit as she says"There's something I need to tell you."Aurora was curious and questioned," what is it?"

Maleficent sighed and answered, "There is an evil in this world and i cannot keep you from it."Aurora gave a pout and cut it"I'm almost 16, godmother. I can take care of myself."Maleficent nodded she look hesitant and said "I understand. but that's not what I have to tell you.... loo"but Aurora once gain cut s her off "I have a plan. when I'm older, I'm going to live here in moors with you. then we can after each other."

Belle with a sad smile said"You were going tell her about Stefana and how you came to curse her."Maleficent nodded and replied, "Yes she wouldn't;t let me explain,she was like child hyper after eating sugar."

Audrey groaned and said, "There it is my mom seems to have this skill about somehow unknowingly diverting the important topics."While Aurora heard this gave her daughter a mock glare as Carlos whispered to Mal"Does she know, she does the same thing?"

Mal just giggled as those who heard it laughed.

Maleficent smiled and said" you don't have to wait until you're older, you could live here now."Aurora was so excited about living with Maleficent she gave beautiful smile and said"Then I will. I'll sleep in a tree and eat berries and black nuts and all the Fair People will be my friends. I'll be happy here for the rest of my life. I'm going to tell my aunties tomorrow." as she walks forward and looks at Moor. But Maleficent looked slightly scared about the curse coming true.

Mal frown and said, "I don't they noticed you were gone, because of their constant fighting with each other."Aurora agreed with it as she was still thinking about how they didn't notice the fact she would outside all day and they won't notice a thing.

Maleficent got up as Aurora looked back at Maleficent who smiled and said"Until tomorrow."Aurora returned the smile and replied" I'm so excited."Aurora laughs as she leaves to make her way back to the cottage

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