Chapter 8

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The screen soon showed once more to reveal the Moors, where Maleficent was at her throne, laughing with Young Diaval watching his mistress not too far away.

Maleficent confessed, "I reveled quite a bit from the sorrow, my curse had brought.I was too clouded by my need to get revenge that I lost sight of myself.". Mal had a concerned frown at seeing this as she held her mother's hand in comfort. While Leah was the one to speak can understand, after all, I went through the same."

The screen changed once more to a bright sunny day, where everyone saw the same carriage from before being pulled by the dark horses. Flittle with a worried tone, said"Oh, no! Is this it? Looks dreadful", She was sitting at the front of the carriage with Knotgrass and Thistlewit. Knotgrass had the reins in hand, indicating that she was the one driving the carriage. Come on". The red pixie said as she threw the reins down and started her wings.

A few seconds later, Knotgrass, Thistlewit, and Flittle were struggling to carry a baby basket, which a cooing baby Aurora was resting in. Thistlewit panting a little spoke "Oh, we need a smaller... Ooh! Baby!" as both Flittle, and Knotgrass dropped the basket with Aurora now crying. Flittle commented, "Or bigger bodies".  as she and the other two regained their grip with Thistlewit now carrying it sideways.

Everyone facepalmed as Mal with irritation spoke"Can you please first place the baby somewhere and then quarrel with each other."Leah glared at Stefan whispered with cold tone, "These three idiots were the ones who you left in charge to take care of our daughter."

Stefan gulped and nodded as Leah added"Also once this is over we are having a divorce."Stefan hearing divorce shrunk into his seat as he knew now there is no saving it.

Knotgrass corrected the two"No, what we need is a proper disguise". getting the attention of both Flittle and Thistlewit. Thistletwit questioned"What do you mean?" The green pixie with Flittle and Knotgrass placed the baby basket down on top of a barrel. Knotgrass explained, "Well, we have to blend it, don't we? We have to be big enough to look after this baby".

Maleficent scoffed and said, "With how crazy they are, I am surprised at the fact no one noticed them."

 Knotgrass said, "So, gather around, ladies". as the three pixies gathered around as Knotgrass spoke "Get ready. One, two, three, grow!" before the three pixies were covered in pixie dust that covered them from view. After a moment, the pixie dust cleared to reveal three adults in the pixies' place, all of them wearing different clothing to each other.

Except for Maleficent, Diaval, Hades, and Fairy godmother widened their eyes in surprise as they still coming to terms with how strong these pixies are even if they are just insects compared to Maleficent

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Except for Maleficent, Diaval, Hades, and Fairy godmother widened their eyes in surprise as they still coming to terms with how strong these pixies are even if they are just insects compared to Maleficent. 

While Knotgrass, Thistlewit, and Flittle laughed as they checked themselves out. . Knotgrass in human form happily said"Well, that's worked quite well. That's very nice" as Thistlewit twirled around to look at her dress, while Flittle checked her hair out with the blue butterflies still flying around her face.

Carlos with a frown said, "With how they look, they are standing out too much instead of blending in."Everyone nodded as his girlfriend Jane added"Also, isn't the location pretty dangerous."Aurora winced remembering her little accident as Maleficent frowned.

Knotgrass with a stern tone spoke, "Now, there will be no questions asked. We are no longer fairies. We are three peasant women raising our orphan child in the woods". The leader of the three pixies explained everything to Flittle and Thistlewit, who was looking down at the sad-looking baby with the blue human form pixie holding her right hand out to. Knotgrass told, "So, uh, no more flying" as she began to head into the cottage, immediately getting Flittle and Thistlewit's attention as they after her. The human form Thistlewit questioned with an angry tone"No flying?" .

Lonnie questioned, "Why is she angry to blend in with the humans, you need to stop using magic."Fairy Godmother sighed and said, "I think she can't take the idea of living without magic."

Mal scoffed and said"If she can't stomach the idea if not using magic.Then she shouldn't have voulnteered to look after Aurora."

Knotgrass shook her head and said, "No, no, and no magic". with all three of them ignoring the crying Aurora as they made their way to the cottage, much to the surprise of everyone watching, except for Maleficent and Diaval.

Thistletwit once again questioned in anger" No magic?". The red human form Knotgrass answered, "Yes, you heard". as she stopped in of the door to the cottage. "It's in the middle of nowhere". The blue form pixie stated, but Knotgrass paid no attention to her. "At least no one will find us here". Thistlewit said as she, Flittle, and Knotgrass entered the, leaving baby Aurora alone outside. 

Everyone looked at the screen in disbelief, well except for Maleficent, Aurora, and Diaval. Leah questioned in disbelief "Did they just really just leave my daughter outside, while they argued?" Maleficent shook her head and answered, "Yes they did. And trust me; this is only the beginning as those three are practically idiots".Everyone was still finding it hard to believe how those three completely forgot a baby outside their house. Aurora with a weak tone added, "I really find it hard to believe. I was alive till my 16 birthday."

 Audrey who heard this whispered, "Seeing this I really feel bad for you, Mom."Aurora smiled and hugged her daughter who returned it with a smile.

The screen showed the raven form of Diaval perched itself in a baby basket that Baby Aurora was on. As baby Aurora continued to cry, while Young Diaval cawed

Everyone widened their eyes as the fairy godmother questioned "What the!? Did Diaval really find Aurora and the others on the very first day?"Diaval nodded and replied"with a smug tone"I did."

Carlos snapped out his spread state commented"You know these three are really didn't raise Aunty Aurora, then who did?", hearing everyone turned to Aurora who went and sat next to Maleficent and Diaval said, "They did."

While watcher seeing the chance comment"Maleficent and Aurora's bond was strong as they were practically Mother and daughter."

Everyone hearing Maleficent  was the one who raised Aurora was one thing .but hearing Aurora practically saw Maleficent as her mother was a whole different thing and as Carlos comment"Well, I didn't see that coming."

Jane agreeing with her boyfriend said, "You can say that again, Carlos".None of them saw the fact Maleficent was the one to raise Aurora. The dude having realized something asked, "Hey, if Aurora saw Maleficent as her mother, Mal won't that technically make Audrey Aunt."

Mal with a grin said: "Well Audrey you can call me Aunt Mal from now on."Audrey hearing this rolled her eyes after a minute of silence, both started laughing as everyone soon joined in. While Leah saw the strong bond between Maleficent and Aurora as she couldn't help but be jealous as Aurora seeing this went and hugged her mother and whispered"Don't worry no one is replacing you, it's just now I have two mother's."

Leah teared up hearing that as both mother-daughter hugged each other.

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