Chapter 26

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Riley's POV

I figured things would be better once the kids return from Dominic's on Sunday night. Boy was I ever wrong.   They escalated quickly from just whining and complaining.  

As he dropped them off the kids started kicking and screaming begging him not to leave them. They wanted to stay with him, they want to go back home they didn't want to stay here anymore.

It broke my heart to hear my kids choose their father over me.

It was the first time I ever heard Dominic actually yell at his children. Telling them that they needed to stop all this nonsense. This is where their mother lived, this is their home too.

He would see them a couple days since it's the weekend. After telling me that we needed to talk and he would call me, he flashed me a slight smile then he close the door behind him.

Things only got worse from there only. Monday night Willow refused to take a shower and threw a big hissy fit and then locked herself in her closet. After taking the door off the frame I put her to bed after scolding her.

The next night Wyatt refused to eat dinner so he got sent to bed without any. It broke my heart that my children were acting this way and I didn't know what to do.  It was like aliens possessed their bodies or something.  

I could understand that they were hurt and confused and they were just acting out the only way they knew how but it didn't mean that it wasn't killing me any less.  No matter how hard I tried they would not talk to me, just kept asking for their dad.  

By Wednesday night both of the kids refused to eat any dinner and as I had unpacked their school bags that night I noticed their lunches were untouched as well. The hunger strike went on till Thursday and I finally couldn't take it anymore.

I picked up the phone and called Dominic and had him over for dinner. Both of the kids laughed and smiled when he knocked on the door, they really did miss their father.

After dinner I packed their bags and sent them home with him.  Thinking this was just the typical young kids acting out I didn't mention anything to Dom about it.   I guess the new arrangement would just take some time.  

Frankly I couldn't deal with another night as I was emotionally strong out.

They would not look at me, hug or kiss me, my heart was breaking. Not only did I lose the man that I love, I also seemed like i was losing my children.

Finally I couldn't keep it in anymore and I broke down crying on my bed holding onto Willows teddy bear as I tucked my face into the fur.

My children were hurting and in pain and I was the one causing it. What's more important having my children with me or having them happy?  But I am their mother.   Should I force them to listen to me?   Time-outs, restrictions, threats - none of it worked.   Hell most of their toys were now locked up.   I didn't like the direction things were heading.   The only time they smiled is when they talked to their father on the phone.  

Did my children no longer want to me or needed me? There wasn't a more difficult question a mother could ask herself.

The following week was the worse. I only lasted until Wednesday this time before I finally called Dominic to come pick up the kids. 

I couldn't bare to watch them not eating, and no matter how much yelling and screaming and forcing them I could not make them eat.

The final straw was Willow throwing up after I forced her to eat a sandwich.  I just didn't know what to do anymore.  

The next day I finally made decision to allow the kids to go live with Dominic for a while, at least until the tour.  I did not want them to go and it killed me to let them, but I felt backed into a corner.   In two weeks my kids turned on me and only wanted their father.   The pain was indescribable.   My heart was breaking more than I ever thought possible.  

I wasn't sure if this decision would break me completely but I had to let them go. Nothing was worse than watching your children starve themselves because they wanted their father and not you.

I couldn't reach them anymore.

The next morning I got up and packed majority of their clothes, especially the ones they wore for school.  The entire time I cried as I folded their little clothes and place them in their bags. I just hope when the time came and Dominic had to leave the kids would accept me back as their mother.   Dom never mentioned it so I know he didn't want us on tour with him.   He couldn't have his groupies if we were there.   That thought made me physically sick.

The next morning I drove over to Dominic's house when I knew the kids were already at school. I didn't want to cause them any stress by seeing me.

The last few times together they flinched when I touched them, I couldn't understand what I did to make my own children hate me so much. It was killing me.

Knocking on the door I waited until someone opened it, no longer feeling comfortable just walking right in. I was slightly shocked to see Damien standing there.

"Hey beautiful, what are you doing here? What's with all the luggage? Are you finally moving back in, that will be great Dom will be so ecstatic here let me get..."

"No wait please Damien, I can get through this a lot easier with you. These are the kids clothes, mainly their school clothes for the next couple weeks. They're better off with their father right now until you go on your tour. Have them call me. Please tell them I love them."

Handing the bags off to Damien, I quickly turned and ran back to my car I couldn't hold back the sobs escaping from my throat. It felt like I was giving my kids away, giving up part of myself, a part of my soul. But I didn't know what else to do. My children's health and happiness were my number one priorities. They wanted their father.

Dominic was a good man, and I trusted him with our children.

Imagine that, after all this bullshit I finally trusted him with the most important thing in my life, our children.

I made my way through the gates and headed home, alone. For the first time in seven years I was truly alone.

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