Chapter 13

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Riley's POV

It has been three days since leaving my lawyers office and I still haven't called Dominic. Sure I have picked up the phone several times, but my nerves always got the better of me causing me to end the call. Part of me knew he was waiting, but the other part really didn't care. Uncle Kade and Clair have both been supportive in my decision, they are just now waiting for me to swallow my fear and call him.

I called them both on my drive from the office, still shaken up. By the time I pulled into the drive, they were both already there waiting. They were my support system and I needed them. For the next several hours we discussed every scenario imaginable. Each giving me their different viewpoints on all the questions running around in my head. How would all this work out? Is this the best decision for my family? Will he be a good father? The questions never ended...but I realized they weren't questions any of us could answer.

Uncle Kade shared his feelings, giving me his perspective as if he was in Dominic's shoes. How he would feel that after seven years he found out he had children, children he could not legally see. Children that he had with the woman he loved. Uncle Kade didn't know if he could ever cope with that. Survive with that loss of being excluded to something so precious. His words really hit close to the heart.

But it was Clair that nailed it when she asked if I was more frightened of Dominic's connection to the kids or his connection to me? Was I terrified to open that link again with him, or was this really about allowing him the opportunity to be a part of my kids' lives? Well shit.

Watching my kids ride their bikes around the driveway and listening to their constant bickering, helped my see the real answer. My kids are wonderful and would benefit greatly from knowing their father and having him as part of their lives.

At this point after going over all the facts several times in the last few days, I have understood that none of this was Dominic's fault. It was just one extreme occurrence after another. The only thing that I could blame on him was his reaction to finding me and John together. Everything else that followed lies at the feet of Andrew. It was one thing when none of knew the full story but know that I do can I really continue on punishing him?

No...I couldn't

Looking down at my phone, I hit the redial button and waited... After only one ring the other line was picked up.

"Hello Dominic, its Riley."

A small gasp came through the line. "Thank god, you called. You really called. I thought you may have changed your mind....please tell me you're not changing your mind. Please..."

"Dom, stop. I am not changing my mind. Look just relax. I am freaking out enough, I don't need your anxiety as well. Look, if you are not busy why don't you come over to my house now so you can meet them and we will go from there?"

We talked for a few more minutes. We decided that for now he is just a friend of mommy's. Nothing more. I wanted to ease the kids into this. Dom agreed, he really just wanted to meet them. See them. After giving him directions we hung up and I nervously sat on the porch waiting for him to arrive.

Twenty minutes later Dom pulled up along the side of the road. He sat there for a few moments and just watched the kids. As he got out and approached me I could see the emotion building behind his eyes. Reaching out I touched his arm, telling him things were going to be okay, that he just needs to relax as kids could smell fear.

He laughed at my joke and it eased the tension between us. It hurt to see him standing here in front of my home. Watching our kids. This is what I always dreamed of. Us as a real family, all together. But I had to remind myself that this is not the case. We may be connected but we were still divided.

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