Chapter 27

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Dominic’s POV

For two days Riley has not answered her phone when I called her.   Each morning after I dropped the kids off, I would try several times all with the same result…voicemail.

Nothing made sense.   This kids were fine and had no problems.   At times they seemed a bit sad and missed their mother, but never asked to call her.   I didn’t push the subject not wanting to upset them.

Luckily it was Saturday so no school.   I don’t know how she does it.   The whole routine of the day in and day out of parenting was exhausting.   I don’t know how she managed all these years on her own.  

Even though I know she was dating, according to the kids, I still couldn’t help but love her.   The more time I got to spend with them, the more I missed her.   She should be here with us.   I planned on fixing that.

As I made my way to the game room, the kids raced in front of me when there was a knock on my door.   I yelled to Damien that I got it.   He was in the kitchen getting lunch together.   I don’t know what I would do without my twin.   He has all but moved in with me just to help me out.   I totally lucked out in the twin department.   I just hoped I could repay him some day.

As I opened the front door I assumed it was one of the guys, but to my surprise it was Kade, Riley’s uncle.

“Hey Kade, Good to…”

Before I could finish my sentence, his fist connected with my jaw and I stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.   The noise caused Damien to run in.  Spotting Kade he stopped.

“You are a real piece of work you know that Mr hot shot rock star.   The only mistake Riley has ever made in her life was loving you.   That woman is like a daughter to me and to watch her become a shell of who she is kills me.   And here you are in your big fucking mansion like you don’t know you are personally responsible for destroying her world.”

Standing up I flexed my jaw to make sure he didn’t break it.   For an older guy he still packs quite the punch.

“Kade, I don’t know what the hell you are talking about.   Look Riley and I didn’t work out, she moved on, but we have kids together and they are our focus now.   She left me, not the other way around.”

“You really are a fucking prick you know that?   When she got your letter that day it was me who talked her into allowing you to see your children.   She was on the fence and I convinced her to give you another shot.   Worst thing I ever did.   I never imagined she would lose not only her heart again, but her kids as well.   What more can you do to her?”

“Kade, again I don’t know what you are fucking talking about.   She broke my heart, mine.   She rejected me.  Couldn’t get past our history.   And as for the kids, she dropped the off her, probably so she can go on more dates.   Fuck if I know.   But I would never take her kids away from her.   She is a wonderful mother and she loves them.”

“No you are even more sick then that.   You wouldn’t just take them, you turned them against her.   I have never seen her this broken.   Hell after that fucker raped her she still had some life in her eyes, now there is nothing.   Absolutely nothing.  You really are a sadistic bastard you know that.   You are not fit to be their father and if I have to, I will take you to court myself.”

“Now wait a minute Kade, I have NEVER and I mean never said on negative word about Riley in front of her kids.   According to me she is the best mother in the world.   The kids are just having a tough time adjusting that is all.   She is being a bit dramatic, turning her kids against her that is total bullshit and I will prove it.   WYATT, WILLOW can you come here please.”

The two kids came running into the room and straight for Kade.   “Papa did you come to watch a movie with us?”  Wyatt asked.

“Kids, your papa came here to talk with me.   I wanted to ask you a few questions okay?   Did either of you act any different when you were at your mom’s house this week?”

Both immediately dropped their heads and started to fidget.   “Dad, she doesn’t want us anymore and we just did what you did.   Let her leave so she could be happy.   We don’t make mommy happy anymore so we acted bad to get her to drop us off here, and it worked so we did good.”

I stared with my mouth hanging open as Wyatt spoke, shocked didn’t even cover it.  

“And what did you two do exactly.”

It was Willow that spoke up this time.   “Um well…we stopped listening to her and stopped speaking to her but that didn’t work so um…we kind of pretended to stop eating.”


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