Chapter 7

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Riley's POV

Dominic opened the front door to his place and stepped back allowing me to enter first. He was always such the gentleman and I loved it. We just returned from our sixth date, this time it was mini golf. Most people didn't get to see the playful side of Dominic. All they saw was Mr. Sexy Rock and Roll.

All of a sudden I was slammed against the closed door, my arms were held up over my head by his hands and his mouth closed over mine. His lips and tongue embraced mine, slowly massaging, as his body pressed fully against me, pinning me completely between himself and the door. Running his hands down my arms until they made a pause on the sides of my breasts. His thumbs grazing just the edges, sending shivers down my sides. My body coming alive under the touch of just his fingertips.

"You are so damn sexy, and your skin tastes amazing, I just want to eat you all up." Dominic whispered against my neck as his lips traveled lower to my shoulder. When his lips landed on my sweet spot, I was unable to hold back the moan that escaped my lips.

His hands continue to lower until they reached the bottom of the skirt that I wore. Inch by inch he tucked the fabric upwards until his fingers were skimming the outside of the edge of my panties.

"Princess, please tell me we are on the same page. I want you. Hell, I need you so bad I ache. I dream of your legs wrapped around me as I thrust deep inside of you. I want to feel your pussy lips tighten around my cock as I fuck you. And I want to hear my name pass your lips as you come. But I need to know that you're on the same page."

Dragging my hands through Dominic's hair, I forced his head up to look at me. "Dominic we are so on the same page. Please fuck me!" I said sealing my lips to his, allowing his tongue entrance to make love to my mouth.

Suddenly his hands grab the back of my thighs and lifted, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist. He then maneuvered his way through the house to his bedroom. His lips never left mine. His hand squeezed and stroked my ass the whole journey, never allowing my body a break from the onslaught of intense heat that was produced simply by his touch.

Seconds later I felt the soft fabric of his comforter against my back. Dominic quickly lean back and ripped off his shirt and threw it behind him. I could look at him for hours. His chest was simply mouth watering. He had these amazing broad shoulders, they were the perfect shape and size, nice and tone, but not to muscular, something you could really sink your teeth into. And his abs...oh god his abs...wars could be fought and won over his abs. I wanted to spend hours just running my tongue over them. Seeing my reaction to his naked torso, Dominic chuckled. "See something you like princess?"

Without waiting for my response he leaned down and grabbed the edge of my shirt. As he pulled it up, his lips followed the same path up as my skin was exposed, starting from the edge of my skirt to the top of my neck.

Once the shirt joined the rest of our clothes, I looked up into his eyes as he repositioned us on the bed. God was he sexy, just looking at him leaning above me was enough to cause my panties to dampen more. He straddled my legs and his thumbs softly traced the outline of my red bra. "I have to say princess, you are one hell of a sexy site. I could come just by looking at your beautiful breasts."

Reaching underneath my back, unhooking the bra, Dominic eased down each strap, one at a time, allowing this fingertips to caress my arms, further igniting my skin. As the bra soared over his head, I had the urge to come myself up. His gaze on my breasts was so intense that I felt every place his eyes gazed upon. I attempted to move my hands to stop the piercing heat that was coursing through my chest, embarrassed that he had me so close and we really have yet to begin.

"DON'T! Baby don't you ever cover yourself, not from me. You are beautiful...these are beautiful. Your breast are like the best dessert, waiting to be devoured. I love the way you respond to me. But, these are mine from now on, so I can look, touch and taste as much as I want. Do you understand me? You are mine now, completely mine."

Before I could respond I felt his lips surround my nipple...drawing in just the tip, his tongue swirling around and then finally his whole mouth encompassed me, sucking me in... "Do you feel that princess? Your body loves my touch, craves my touch. Tell me that you belong to me." His breath embracing my wet nipple as he spoke, his eyes barring into mine.

For a second, while gazing into his blue eyes, my breath catches from the intensity of his words and the way he looked at me, melting away any nerves or apprehensions I may have had. These last few months all the sexual tension between the two of us was finally coming to an end. My body, just from his few simple touches, was teetering on the edge, waiting to fall off.

"You Dom, I belong to you!" I whispered as his attention and lips returned to my nipple. Leisurely his other hand caressed its way across my stomach, pausing to trace around my belly button, then finally to my side and up until his hand fully encased my breast, gently squeezing the flesh. My body loved how he took his time, exploring my body, allowing my body to steadily make the climb, but suddenly electricity shot from the tips of my breasts straight down to my clit, causing me to scream out my need. Dom chuckled against me as his teeth clamped down tighter, his fingertips mimicking the action. The pleasurable pain was like a smoldering fire that had encompassed my body in its heat, with flames rising...reaching...

"Oh my god, yes Dom...please...please don't stop...please...I need"

I was there, at the edge waiting to fall. I had to close my eyes to help ease the brightness of the flames coming from my body. Everything was so intense, my body was tightening, waiting for the release, begging for it. Dominic was taking me to the edge with just his hands and mouth on my nipples, no man has never affected me the way he does.

"Yes... right there Dom...I need..."


Wait what! Mommy who...what...

Coming out of my sex filled haze. "Mommy, I said Willow needs you."

Not again. I was so close. Just a few seconds more....

"Mommy wake up. Willow needs you. She got sick again and puked all over her bed. I am NOT going in there because it smells."

Jolting upright in bed, I took a few seconds to shake to clear my head. Wyatt was standing on the side of my bed looking at me. "Mommy are you okay? How come you didn't come when I was calling you, hurry up, Willow is crying?"

Sighing, I slowly allowed my body to come down from the high of my dream. The same type of dream I have been having for the last several days, all ending the same way. Me waking up before I get my happy ending. I have reached an all-time sexual frustration level! My vibrator was getting its workout this week, but for some reason I was still left wanting. Damn you Dominic for coming back into my life.

Jumping out of bed seconds later, glancing at the clock. The green numbers read 4:00am. Great. Why can't kids get sick at 2:00pm, no it is always the middle of the night. And this is one of the reasons my dreams were abruptly interrupted. The flu. First it was Wyatt and now Willow has succumbed to the same fate.

Needless to say, I have been living in puke and laundry hell.

I directed Wyatt to his room. "Thanks buddy, I will take if from here. Thanks for coming to get me. Go on back to bed." Placing a kiss on his head, I close his door. Walking into Willows room, the smell that has plagued my house for over a week has once again made itself present.

Oh the joys of motherhood.

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