The Mingbag Offensive Transmission (Short)

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(Location: 16 servers behind front lines | Kalishina Bunker)

(Time: 9:19 PM)

It's quite for the staff working for and at the Kalishina Bunker. It's a bunker within the wasteland that was formed because of hazards materials being used as ammunition by both sides. Going from gas, to radioactive materials from Jmod. 

The bunker houses 40 bunks for 40 men. 

In a bunker that is only supplied once a week, the day is calm and quiet

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In a bunker that is only supplied once a week, the day is calm and quiet. The only sounds that can be heard are conversations between Conscripts and workers. Machinery working in the background and the sounds of the reactor and computers being worked on. 

Outside is the wasteland that used to be farm land for role players. Though that all changed when the Mingbags started moving units through the area and it then turned into both a war zone and a testing ground for experimental chemical weapons. This turned the very large farming server into an entire wasteland and it was said that only HCs were allowed in or anyone wearing a Hazmat suit or an H.E.V suit.

The Kalishina bunker was constructed to house an experimental dark matter reactor. It was also constructed to be able to house a small stockpile of ballistic missiles. It also housed a very strong radar and was the main place where the intelligence agency has placed it's HQ due to the fact that the computers there were the only ones that can decode the Mingbag transmissions. 

Mingbag transmissions were able to be decoded but if performed incorrectly it would either alert the Mingbags on what is happening in their systems, or the computer would decode it but put it into #$#$#$# basically and I mean c'mon, how can read that. 

Though the computers installed in Kalishina can decode the transmissions. And we are about to witness the workers at the bunker decode a message. 

(Yes I am using the HL:A workers and why are they surrounding me?)

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(Yes I am using the HL:A workers and why are they surrounding me?)

A worker was checking any communication channels the Mingbags used. He is tired and hot in that suit but was told to wear because the ventilation system was currently being repaired. It had stopped working in the 2nd floor of the bunker, so to make sure of safety they were told to wear their Hazmat suits.

 It had stopped working in the 2nd floor of the bunker, so to make sure of safety they were told to wear their Hazmat suits

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(Now I know you see the HC on the ground and you are probably are going to ask why is he dead? Let me tell you. See that glass box in the background, it has a stalker npc but the HC shot it while I was making this scene because I forgot to disable thinking. So I shot him with an AK and replaced the stalker. :| )

In the power room that houses the experimental dark energy reactor, it is under going it's daily maintenance by the workers and HCs assigned to it. It is very dangerous to not leave it for once. It is required to have at least a minimum of 3 people in the room with a max of 10.

Back in the 1st room, the worker there is looking through the frequencies when the system starts to lag

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Back in the 1st room, the worker there is looking through the frequencies when the system starts to lag. Which means it is decoding something massive. And it shows the following:


Worker: "What the hell is this?" The worker was curious about the transmission he had received. He looked over his shoulder and saw the HC next to him and went to call him over.

Worker: "Aye HC, *Hand gesture* come over here there is something that might be interesting."

The HC looks over to the man and walks towards him, "Yeah, what is it?"

Worker: "The computer just decoded a message from the Mingbags. It lagged the system so it must be a large message right?"

HC: "Must be, hmm decode it."

Worker: "Yes Sir starting decoding."

The worker decodes the message, but it takes time. Eventually he does it and it says the following: "U gotta M ove Too Zthe Blak Mehsa 8, 9 ,39 Armored divsionss!11"

The both of them look at the message and then look at each other confused. Then they snapped and looked at the message so fast that you could have heard the bones in their necks pop. Then they both look at each other again, "Oh no"

The 8, 9 and 39th Mingbag armored divisions were one of the most elite divisions among the Mingbags and became that because their army group consisted of 20 divisions. 14 footman divisions, the 8, 9 and 39 armored and three support divisions. During the battle for 3 role play maps, the army group was encircled and lasted for 19 months before getting wiped out by Gmod forces. Only the 8, 9 and 39th were able to escape and thus became veterans. 

(Short chapter, the next part will come out on this Sunday. I wish I could have uploaded this chapter sooner but my internet said " N O " . Anyway have a good day.)

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