Final Closure - Ending

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(Location: Near Arctic waters)

(Time: 10:43 AM)

A large amount of time has passed since Nelli's retreat. When she got word that they were pulling out of the battle, she had to sacrifice around half her remaining soldiers to make it to the fleet. As they retreated, they were chased by some members of the Iron Blood. Czeslaw was still in the vicinity during her retreat. He had muted his radio, so he had no clue what was happening.

Then a LARGE amount of energy was detected, and basically, everyone was transported far up North. Everyone found themselves in freezing waters. Purple-colored rifts were tearing holes in the fabric of reality. And basically, all the Siren ships have shut down. The Sakura Empire found itself in a bit of a dilemma. Akagi was missing. And they don't have enough strength to continue their operation.

Azur Lane was not in the same boat. Only Enterprise was missing. And they still have to stomp out the Iron Blood and Sakura Empire.

Sergeant Czeslaw: "Where the hell are we?"

HC: "According to the map, we are far north from our original position."

Sergeant Czeslaw: "I can see that."

HC: "What are we going to do, sir?"

Sergeant Czeslaw: "Orders are coming down from Admin Command. They're attempting to retake Black Mesa. But until then, they want us to pull out and fall back into the Siren territory. For the time being. They also officially disbanded the digital militia."

HC: "What does that mean for you, sir?"

Sergeant Czeslaw: "I have no clue, but I ain't going to abandon you guys here."

HC: "Alright?"

Sergeant Czeslaw: "Alright, but we gotta move. And fast. This cold is going to be the end of us."

Sergeant Czeslaw: "Wait, what happened to our ships?"

HC: "Left behind."

Sergeant Czeslaw: "Aw, heck no."

As the remaining Gmod troops begin to move, they pass by several deactivated Siren ships. Strong winds as well, and tears in reality. Then they hear explosions, they start running towards the explosions to investigate. 

As they peek around an iceberg, they are beheld with a sight. The sky is filled with American dive bombers. Bombs rain from the sky as the soldiers begin to dodge. Czeslaw is separated from his men but continues to move forward.

(Moments ago)

Zuikaku and her sister Shoukaku were quickly speeding around the battlefield. Prince of Wales, Cleveland, and some other ships open fire but to no avail as the Crane sisters slip into a crevice in the ice. As they sail, they emerge on the other side. But then Zuikaku spots someone familiar on top of some ice. 

Zuikaku: "It's Gray Ghost!"

Then, a massive wave of Eagle Union dive bombers appears behind Enterprise and begins laying waste to the area. Then, two of the dive bombers begin a strafing run at Zuikaku. Shoukaku rushes to her sister's aid to protect her. The machine gun fire converges on the two of them. As the water settles, it reveals Zuikaku holding her sister. Zuikaku launches a last desperate paper cross at the Eagle Union carrier. It turns into a dive bomber and crashes into Enterprise.

Just as a dive bomber prepares to drop its payload on them, the iceberg behind them shatters. Zuikaku looks on stunned. Shoukaku quickly turns her head. Then Ayanami reveals herself. Quickly platforming on the falling ice. She jumps towards the aircraft and cuts it in half. It explodes. Sending her back down. 

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