Withdrawl: Conculsion to Dark Energy Vs Gunpowder [PT-2]

142 5 2

(Location: Ocean)

(Time: Unknown)

Sargent Czeslaw: "So, you guys were talking about how this was almost over.. I sense that there is a greater meaning behind that." He said while him, Purifier and Alpha were flying through the storm. Purifier gets a bit of a worried face, something that hasn't happened in a while. Then she looks at Alpha, and then Alpha looks back to Purifier. Both then nod.

Observer Alpha: "What if we were to tell you that this is a simulation?"

Sargent Czeslaw: "Hmm. I've been in simulations before, but not in this way. If this was a simulation, then god-damn, this is the most realistic one I have ever been in."

The two Sirens widen their eyes and look at each other. Then look back at Czeslaw.

Purifier: "You've been in a simulation before?"

Sargent Czeslaw: "Yeah, I've been in simulation before. But not to this scale of one. Sure, we can just make a world, but the AI can't really imitate human behavior as effective as umm.. This one, I guess."

The flight back was silent. The two Sirens are contemplating the origins of Czeslaw and his other friends. They weren't from a universe they had explored. 

The three make it to the position in where the HCs are about to pull out. The HCs on the ground, or in this case, water, look up in the air and see the three coming down. The HC platoon leader walks up to where Czeslaw lands and begins a conversation.

HC Platoon Leader: "Welcome back, Sargent."

Sargent Czeslaw: "Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?"

HC Platoon Leader: *Sighs* "Well, we have sustained some casualties, but loaded our wounded onto the Heavy Assault Walker. Sargent Bren and Admin Alecia are trying to regroup with Admin Collier and Tester Beta after getting lost because Collier and Tester have engaged the carriers the Langley had led away. 

Sargent Czeslaw: *Takes off Helmet* *Inhales* "WHAT!?"

(Scene change - Admin Collier | Tester Beta)

Admin Collier: "Eat lead you- WAA!!!" He V-Clips out of the way of an arrow.

Enterprise: "How could you work with the Sirens!?" She yelled at the man in Admin issued armor, which is just a metro cop armor.

Admin Collier: "..." Collier simply says nothing and still continues to fire his XM29 at Enterprise as she weaves through the bullets flying towards her and the occasional grenade fired from said XM29.

Tester is currently dealing with Illustrious and Hornet as she summons her clones and mass-produced Siren ships to assist.

Hornet: "Well Shoot! Things are starting to look pretty grim for us."

Illustrious: "It seems they are, we have to link up with the rest of the fleet if we are to make it out."


Hornet: "Hmm? What's that?" Hornet said, pointing to an object that just landed near her feet.

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* (I don't know who to express the Half Life 2 grenade sound)

The grenade then explodes, and the resulting explosion is able to knock down Hornet and Illustrious receives burns to her exposed back and her dress gets damaged as well.

Unicorn: "Illustrious!"

Enterprise: *Grunts* "Hornet!" 

Enterprise tries to go to Hornet but is intercepted by Collier, who flies in front of her. She prepares to fight, but to her surprise, Collier simply steps aside and leaves to meet up with Tester.

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