Buying time but at a cost

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(Location: Azur Lane fleet)

(Time: Unknown)

The Azur Lane fleet continued to sail on from the battle they had with the Sirens. All the ships had their morale at the highest as they had captured Observer Alpha. Observer Alpha was being kept on Queen Elizabeth's ship. Being surrounded by Enterprise, Belfast, Queen Elizabeth, Cleveland, Ark Royal, Prince of Wales, Hood, Hornet, Warspite, Sheffield plus finally Illustrious.

They stare at the Siren with some having hatred in their eyes. Little did they know, Observer being captured, was what she wanted. Then the ship-girls started to question her.

Enterprise: "What do you want from humanity?" She said in a serious tone and got a chuckle as a reply.

Prince of Wales: "What's so funny? We captured you, you know that?"

Observer Alpha: "Well, props for capturing me, but.... how can you be sure that I'd allow it? Hmm?"

Hornet: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Observer Alpha: *Giggles* "You see, I'm doing a bit of an experiment."

Queen Elizabeth: "What type of experiment, Alpha?"

Observer: "It has to do Crimson Axis and the 'anomalies' that recently arrived..."

Cleveland: "Does this have to do with Crimson Axis amassing their forces outside of one island? And what experiment?"

Observer Alpha: "Don't worry, Fufufufu, you'll see them sure enough."

Belfast: "What do you mean 'we will see'?"

Observer Alpha smirked and this doesn't go unnoticed by the ship-girls who put their guard up. "Oh don't worry Azur Lane, you'll see them VERY soon *Giggles*."

Then it started to rain, soon it becomes a storm. The ship-girls look at Observer Alpha as she siletly sits there staring up at the sky.

(Transition to the rescue fleet)

The rescue fleet consisted of the split force with the 18th Order sailing to flank the Azur Lane force. Tester Beta and Purifier are at the bow talking to each other. 

Tester Beta: "Once we rescue Observer Alpha, we return to our queen to relay what we have. Got it?"

Purifier: "Yup!"

Tester Beta: "Good." She started to walk away but then was stopped by Purifier.

Purifier: "Do you not trust them?"

Tester Beta: "Umm, I do but, its... Weird that humans would help us, they also came from the same place those T-posing creatures came from. I'm just keeping my guard up."

Purifier: "Ahh okay."

(Timeskip to the Langley MK 3)

The large floating carrier was hovering in the air flying towards its mission location with the heavy storm still brewing. The crew prepare the ship for battle as they are alone for the time being. The captain walks onto the bridge, him being a Conscript. He walks over to another Conscript sitting in the left console panel and starts to speak. 


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