Liam's POV
"Come on guys! We're going to miss our flight!" I yelled up the stairs where my four best friends were taking their own sweet time.
If they didn't hurry up I might call Dakota and Eleanor in for help. Eleanor popped in almost everyday to hang out with Kayla and Dakota and also occasionally Perrie. They were all getting close and were staying in our flat while the boys and I went to Ireland.
I checked my watch and groaned, "If you don't get your butts down here right now I am going to call the girlfriends!"
I heard someone laugh upstairs and yell back to me, "Liam your girlfriend is up here!"
I rolled my eyes and heard a loud thump followed by a curse and a mumbled "Shut up Louis" before Niall dragged his bag down the stairs.
I raised an eyebrow but he shrugged and kept walking into the kitchen where the girls were talking about what they planned to do while we were gone.
I looked up the stairs in time to see Harry and Zayn tugging their bags down the steps with a lot of mumbling. They took them to the front door and sat down to put on their shoes.
I looked back to the stairs to see Louis sitting ontop of his bag at the top of the stairs with his arms in the air.
"Louis don't!"
His bag tipped forward and started down the steps. I hopped out of the way and cringed when he landed at the bottom with a groan.
"Leeeyum you were supposed to catch me! That's what big kids like you do!" Louis pouted and sat up.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag next to the staircase, "Louis you're the oldest one here. I'm not."
Lou gasped dramatically and stood from his spot on the floor before strutting into the kitchen, leaving his bag in a pile on the floor.
I grabbed his bag along with my own and took them to the door. When I walked back to the kitchen my eyes widened and I swear my heart stopped.
The walls, floor, table, and is that whipped cream on the ceiling?! Not to mention the egg and flour all over everyone else! Now we are really going to be late! How on heaven's Earth did this happen? I left them alone for four seconds!
"Why do you always assume we did it?" Louis asked with a pout and dropped the egg that he had been holding in his hand.
"Yeah! It could have been Niall or Zayn or even Dakota!" Harry pointed accusingly at the three that were less messy.
I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, "Because if I ask Niall who it was he can't lie to save himself so lets figure this out now shall we? Ni-"
"Okay it was us!" Louis cut me off and got a death glare from his partner in crime.
"That's what I thought. Now clean this up while Zayn and Niall go get washed up," I watched as Niall and Zayn made their way upstairs while Harry and Lou went to the broom closet.
"Li you should lighten up and have fun once in a while that's all the boys were doing," Kayla walked over to me offering a sad smile.
I shook my head and looked down, "I can't when we are suppose to be catching a plane and then all of this happens," I motioned around the kitchen at the mess. The whipped cream was starting to drip off of the ceiling and plopping on the floor.
"How about I call the cleaning lady so you can make sure the boys get cleaned themselves?" Kayla asked while Dakota joined us. Somehow she hadn't gotten dirty.

Niam.... only a dream?
FanfictionLiam and Harry tried dating but they’ve drifted apart and Liam has eyes for someone else. Will he ever get to be with that person? Louis makes a realization that will change his life forever. Harry meets someone new that helps him through the hurt h...