Niall's POV
It's been three days since the interview and ever since the game of Truth or Dare, Liam has been avoiding me. I've sat in my room every night wondering what I could have done to make him avoid me and I've come up with pretty much nothing. The only thing I can think of is me asking about his crush... but he wouldn't be upset enough to avoid me would he? I needed to find out.
I left my room and walked down the hall to Liam's door. I knocked on his door and waited.
I could hear him walking in his room. He opened his door with a smile but it dropped when he saw me, "Oh hey, Niall."
"Uh.. Hey, Liam. I had a question..."
"What is it?"
I frowned, usually he invited me to come into his room... All well...
"Why are you avoiding me?" I moved so he had to look at me.
He tried to look everywhere except at me but he didn't have a choice so he sighed, "I'm not."
I shook my head, "You are so. Ever since the game of Truth or Dare yo-"
"Niall, I haven't been avoiding you. I've just been busy. Kinda like I am right now so... If that's all you were wondering could I go back to what I was doing?" He looked at me like he was annoyed with me and that hurt. It hurt me and I had to fight back tears.
I looked down and shook my head then mumbled, "No... That's all. I'm sorry I bothered you, it wont happen again.
"Good." was all he said before shutting the door with me still standing outside of it.
I look up at the closed door finally letting the tears fall down my cheeks. I wiped my cheeks, still crying as I made my way back to my room and curled up on my bed.
My best friend hated me. That's all I could think about and it had to be true, why else would he be avoiding me and denying it?
Lou's POV
Liam had made Niall cry, that's just something you don't ever do. I mean come on it was Niall, he wasn't meant to cry. He was meant to laugh and eat all the food in his sight. It broke my heart whenever Niall cried.
I watched as Liam had shut the door in Niall's face and as Niall wiped the tears away but they just kept coming. I was standing inside my room peeking out my door. Niall went into his room and I quietly left my room.
I walked down the hall and stopped outside Niall's room, his door was closed but you could still hear his quiet sobs coming from inside.
Maybe I should check on him... He could probably use a friend right but Liam needs to be spoken too... He needs to explain exactly why he is avoiding Nialler.
I shook my head and walked to Liam's room. I didn't bother knocking, I threw open his door and walked inside.
"Hey! What happened to privacy?!" Liam shouted.
"You can have privacy once you explain since when has it been right to make Niall and why are you avoiding him? You guys use to be inseperatable, what happened?" I glared at him.
His face softened and he looked down at the ground sheepishly, "Niall's... crying...?"
"Yes you twat, you made him cry. Congratulations idiot."
He looked up at the door as if he wanted to leave but he stayed where he was.
"So answer my questions, Liam."
Liam shook his head, "It's never been okay to make Ni cry..."
I scoffed, that much has always been obvious, "And the rest?"
"I'm not avoiding him..." Li whispered.
"Yes you are. You have been basically since the interview."
He shook his, refusing to answer.
I groaned and pulled my fingers through my hair, "Just answer the question, Payne!"
Liam's head snapped up once I used his last name, "I don't want to, Louis! I don't want avoid him but I need to! I have to!"
I looked at him, my eye brows furrowing in confusion, "Why do you have to avoid him, Liam?"
He looked down and mumbled something I couldn't hear.
"What did you say, Li?"
He shook his head and avoided looking at me. I walked over and bent down so he had to look at me without a choice.
"LiLi, you know you can tell me anything. I wont tell anyone if you don't want me to. I'm just worried about you and Ni. Ni is completely clueless and hurting. I know something is going on with you and it includes Niall."
Liam glanced at me with tears in his eyes, "You really wont tell anyone?"
I shook my head, "I promise."
He nodded and stayed quiet for a bit then whispered just loud enough for me to hear him, "I-I like Niall.."
My eyes widened and my heart broke a little bit, yes I did still like Liam but he liked Niall and Niall was hurting because of Liam. I needed to do something to make them happy...
"You wont tell anyone will you? Please don't tell anyone." Liam looked at me with pleading eyes.
I looked at him and sighed, "I told you I wouldn't tell anyone so I won't but you can't avoid him forever."

Niam.... only a dream?
FanfictionLiam and Harry tried dating but they’ve drifted apart and Liam has eyes for someone else. Will he ever get to be with that person? Louis makes a realization that will change his life forever. Harry meets someone new that helps him through the hurt h...