Daddy Issues

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Author Note: ****This chapter may be hard for some people to read. Just letting you know.****


Kayla's POV

I woke up late the following morning, I rubbed my eyes and rolled over; facing Harry who was still sleeping like a baby. I smiled and kissed his nose lightly then rolled off the bed to my feet. I made my way to the closet and pulled out some black slacks, a turquoise lace over shirt with a white tank top under it.

I walked into the bathroom and started the shower, getting the temperature right. I stripped off my teal penguin pajamas and looked in the full length mirror. Although its been a few weeks since I saw my step father and he's hurt me in any way, there were still scars and faint bruises. They where scattered all over my body. The worst ones were where he knew no one could see them unless I removed my clothing.

I have one of those bodies where I can get a bruise a month ago and it'll still look fresh. I bruise extremely easily. I could barely bump into something and I'll get a bruise from it. It's ridiculous.

I walk into the shower and let the water run over me, washing away all my worries. I was safe; I was with Harry and he wouldn't let anyone harm me. He promised.

I wash my hair and body then turn off the water, wrapping my towel around me. I step out and shiver from the temperature difference. I dry off and get dressed, brush my hair and my teeth; I grabbed my glasses from by the sink. I had been wearing those contacts you can wear for like two weeks or whatever but I had to take them out when they began irritating my eyes and vision. Harry had gotten me a pair of glasses a few days ago.

I walked downstairs after throwing my clothes in the hamper and making sure Harry was still sleeping. I got to the kitchen and made a bagel with strawberry flavored cream cheese spread on it. I poured myself a glass of milk and set my food on the table. I grabbed the pile of mail off the counter and began separating it into piles like I always do in the mornings; well since everyone knew I was here and well you understand.

I was done with the regular sized envelopes and half of my bagel, about to start on the magazines when I saw my face. I mean I literally say my face. On a magazine. The. Cover. Of. The. Fudging. Magazine! How could this happen? I don't go anywhere! I mean literally! I stay at the house and only go outside when other people are home! They couldn't get a picture, it's not possible. The fence around the back yard is like a metal wall and you can't see inside or outside of it plus it's like twelve feet tall!

But sure enough there was me and Harry sharing a kiss in the back yard by the pool. The little caption thing by the picture read "Harry's new girl? Read inside for more deets. Page 24"

I flipped to page 24; bagel forgotten. I stared at the pictures of Dakota, Harry, Niall, and I from yesterday by the pool. There were some of just me and Dakota talking and giggling then a few or Niall and Harry having what looked to be a serious conversation. I looked over at the article and read it to myself.

"Harry Styles Dating Someone? Sorry Harry fans but it looks like Harry Styles from One Direction seems to be taken by a young lady with the name of Kayla Evans. We got pictures of them hanging out in One Direction's back yard by the pool yesterday afternoon. They where joined by Niall Horan and his (possible) date Dakota Everly. Kayla and Dakota seem to be good friends as they are seen giggling and jumping around, even splashing Harry from the pool."

I looked up from the article when Harry made his way down the stairs, groggily running his eyes and getting the container of orange juice from the fridge. He had gotten dressed in a pair of sweats and white t shirt. He poured a glass and drank half of it before realizing I was looking at him.

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