Niam... only a dream?

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Niall's POV

"Hey Niall, how are you today?" Liam was leaning in my door way, watching me as I got dressed for the morning.

I had just woken up and wasn't really in the mood to talk so I grunted in response. I looked through my dresser but couldn't find any pants to wear so I sighed and pulled on some grey sweats and a lose fitted t shirt.

Liam chuckled at my lack of conversation. He shook his head and moved out of the doorway when I walked out of my room. He followed me down the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. I sat at the table and rubbed my eyes. The boys always gave me crap for looking and acting so childish, especially in the morning when I was half asleep.

"Want anything to eat, Nialler? Eggs, bacon, or pancakes?" Liam walked over to the fridge and looked inside.

"All of the above please." I yawned and rested my arms on the table.

Liam chuckled and got what he needed to make the food. He went to the cupboards and got out a few bowls. Usually Harry cooks but apparently he wasn't awake yet. I rested my forehead against my arms on the table. I must've dozed off because next thing I know the rest of the boys were sitting around the table eating the food sat in the middle.

Harry noticed me move first, "Hey Niall, you feeling alright? We tried waking you up for about five minutes but got no response so we just started eating..."

I nodded, "Just tired I guess... Hey did you leave any food for me?" I looked at the food and my mouth started watering at the smells. None of us but Harry and Zayn were very good at cooking. Liam is alright but not as good as the cooks at Nandos.

I ate my plate full of food in about two minutes. I ate until there wasn't anything left to eat. I took my plate to the sink and rinsed it off. It was Lou's day to do the dishes so I went to the living room and sat on the sofa, turning the television on and watching the game that was on.

Liam walked in about an hour later and sat next to me, "Hey Ni, we have an interview later today around 3ish so be ready by 2:30. You know how managment gets when we are running late."

Oh boy did I. I nodded and smiled slightly "Don't worry Li, I'll be ready."

With that he stood up and walked off. He was pretty tall and already ready for the day. His hair was wet, indicating he had taken a shower already. He wore a dark blue plaid shirt and a dark pair of pants. He didn't have any shoes on yet, no need with us being inside right now.

I watched another hour of television, Zayn had joined me sometime but I didn't really notice him. He was on his phone texting and didn't say anything to me when he had sat down. When I got bored of the T.V. I headed upstairs to take a shower.

We all had our own places to stay when we weren't on tour, other than our parent's houses, that we were welcome to stay at. They were all pretty big and issolated so fans wouldn't bother us. We were staying at the one that was just on the edge of London right now and it was hidden back in the trees. Each room had its own bathroom and there was one big bathroom that was at the end of the hall. I guessed Harry was in the big bathroom so I had to use my bathroom that was connected to my room.

I walked in my room and grabbed some blue jeans and my 'Go Large' t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom, making sure everything I needed was there before I got in the shower. I turned the water on and made sure it wasn't too warm or too cold. Once right, I took my clothes off and got in the shower.

I always thought best when I was in the shower. Occasionally I would sing but i always thought when I was away from distractions. Only today I was trying not to think.

But as always when I tried not to think I ended up thinking anyways. I didn't know what the interview was about, no one would tell me so why worry about it? Only I was worried. Usually the boys always told me what the interview was about. But this time I wasn't told a thing other than we all had to go to this interview. Everytime I asked what it was about Liam would change the subject. All the boys would avoid telling me and they tried to aviod me too, all week long.

I stood in the shower a little longer today, feeling the water run over my body. I must have been in there longer than I thought because I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey Niall? You in here, mate?"

It was Harry. Harry never came in my room, let alone look for me when he knew I was probably in the shower.

"Uh... yeah, in the shower." I mumbled in response.

He opened the door and I heard him walk in and the door shut a few seconds later. I stood awkwardly in the shower. I knew he couldn't see me through the curtain but it was still weird for me. I was insecure about my body and the lads knew it. Harry was the one who ran around naked all the time, not caring what people thought. That must be nice for him. Everyone loved Harry...

Harry was quiet for a while then his voice filled the room, "Ni... Do you know what the interview is about?"

I looked down at the drain and watched the water drain, "No. No clue... I've been trying to find out all week but no one will tell me, not even Liam..."

I heard Harry sigh, "No one will tell me either. I hate it when they treat us like children just because we are the youngest. Well.... I guess we will find out at the interview then. See you in the car Niall. We leave in ten minutes."

With that I heard him leave and shut the door. He didn't know what the interview was about either? I thought he had known... Well I thought he would know because Liam knew and Harry and Liam were dating. There weren't suppose to be any secrets in a relationship. Well it wasn't my place to say anything about their relationship. They'd work it out if there was any problems...

I turned the water off in the shower and dried my hair with a towel then wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out of the shower. I walked over and slid my shirt on before putting my boxers and pants on. I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I pulled a brush through my hair. Eh... it was good enough. I wasn't in the mood to fight with it today.

I walked down stairs and grabbed a bag of chips before meeting the rest of the lads in the car that waited for us. The driver started the car and we pulled away from the driveway and toward the interview.

I was sitting next to Harry and Liam was on the other side of him. They were holding hands but it didn't look like they enjoyed it very much. Zayn and Lou were in the seat across from us. Zayn was on his phone as always and Lou was looking at Liam with curiousity. All I knew was that I was confused and hungry.

When the car finally pulled into the tv station, we all piled out. There were fans everywhere. They yelled our names and screamed. We smiled and waved but were rushed into the building. The hair and make up people did what they wanted to us and we finally were called out onto the stage for the interview. We sat on the couches provided. Liam was closest to the host then Harry followed by Louis then Zayn and finally me.

"So boys, what brings you here today?" The host, Steph I think she told us to call her, asked.

Harry and I shrugged while Lou and Zayn looked at Liam who had a faint blush on his cheeks that only someone who really knew him would notice.

"Well... um... I need to tell everyone something..." Liam finally said.

My eyebrows furrowed. What would he have to tell people that would make him talk like that... he was always so strong with his words.

Steph and the rest of the lads looked at him. I moved on the couch so I could see him better.

Liam took a deep breath then sighed, "Well, everyone knows me and Harry have been dating for a few months... Well he wants to break up with me because Lou says he loves me..." He frowned and my mouth fell open in shock. They were splitting up because Harry cared more about Lou's feelings then his or Liam's. Li continued, "Well I don't love Lou, I think I like someone else..."

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