More Than One

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Liam's POV

I cupped Niall's cheek and moved my face towards his slowly until my lips met his. This is what I've wanted to happen since, well, forever. Yeah, I dated Harry and I had loved him but I'd always had a soft spot for Niall. How could you not? I mean, have you seen him? He's perfect with his bleached blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He's so innocent.

As my lips pressed against his gently, he shivered slightly and it felt like my world was perfect. Nothing could bring us down or harm us, we could handle anything. But it all ended too soon. Niall stepped away breaking the kiss. My lips suddenly felt lonely without his. My hand fell from where it had been on his face and it reached out to find his soft skin again but failed. I opened my eyes and the look on his face broke my heart.


Niall's POV

What the hell was happening?! Liam had pulled me back on stage then kissed me?! What the hell?!

I stepped away from him, breaking contact with him. My hand flew to my lips and my eyes where wide with surprise. Liam opened his eyes and hurt immediately filled them when he looked at me. It all started to fall into place. He was the one in the kitchen. The one that sent shivers through me when kissed the back of my neck!

My eyes widened a bit more with each thought. I had began stepping back from Liam without realizing it. The hurt in his eyes growing with each step I took. I was in shock, absolute shock. Wait, does this mean I'm the one Liam likes?

I looked away from Liam, I couldn't handle seeing the hurt in his eyes any longer, and quickly walked back to my spot on the couch. I looked down at my shoes and watched, out of the corner of my eye, Liam walk back to his spot with his head down. I could feel the tension in the room.

Karen cleared her throat but her voice still broke whe she spoke, "So... it's Ni-Niall? The per-person you like is Niall?"

My cheeks heated up, no doubt I was blushing. My heart was beating quickly and Liam's voice didn't help slow it down at all.

"That is correct." Liam muttered.

"Okay one last question, what is going to happen now?"

"No idea."

"Well thank you, One Direction, for that.... eventful... time we shared. Hope to visit with you again sometime." Karen said and the camera turned off. She hurried off stage, not wanting to see what happened next.

We all sat there, not wanting to be the first to make a move. I continued to look at my shoes even more confused then I had been all week. If Liam liked me then why did he avoid me? Why did he like me that way anyways? Why had he told Harry? Why didn't Harry tell me when he found out?

"Who all knew?" I asked without looking up.

I felt Louis tense beside me followed by Liam's soft whisper that I could barely hear, "I only told Louis. Harry assumed my feelings for you... Zayn hasn't been told anything and he hasn't mentioned anything to me..."

Well Zayn was now my favorite member of the band. I nodded and stood up before turning to walk off the stage but Louis' voice stopped me.

"Hey, mate, just talk this out. Don't do anything stupid."

I shook my head and chuckled, "Like what? Get drunk and sleep with some girl? No wait, that's Harry's job. Lets see... What could I do? Oh I know! I could always leave the band."

"That's not even funny, Niall."

I turned around quickly and looked at Louis, my fists clenched tightly and voice rising with each word I spoke, "I'm not trying to be funny, Louis! I don't find any of this funny! I've been completely clueless all week! My best friend avoided me all week! He avoided me and then he kisses me on National television! What part of that is funny?!"

Louis looked back at me with fear clearly showing on his face. He was leaning into Zayn who had his arms wrapped around Lou protectively. Liam was looking down at the floor but it was obvious he had been hurt by my words and Harry was glaring at me.

"Oh what? Harry what in God's name do you have to say?" I asked irritated by this whole day.

Harry stood up ignoring the plead from Liam to leave me alone. Harry walked up to me and stood right in front of me. I had to tilt my head up to be able to see his face clearly.

"Niall, you're blowing this completely out of proportion. You're not the only one hurt here. Now don't make any stupid decisions and let's discuss this at home."

I shook my head and walked out of the studio without looking back at the rest of the boys. I climbed into the vehicle. The boys got in shortly after but no one said a word on the way home. When the vehicle pulled up to drop us off, I was the first one out and inside the house.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut, locking it so no one could come inside. I walked over to my closet and opened the mini fridge my mum had bought me for Christmas last year. I pulled out a coke and chocolate bar then layed on my bed and turned on the television. I flipped through the channels and groaned when I saw basically every channel was showing "The Big Niam Kiss!"

I turned my blue ray player on and put Finding Nemo in. It had just started when there was a knock at my door. I groaned and rolled off my bed, making my way over to door. Why can't I just have a break and calm down?

I opened the door and saw Zayn standing there with some popcorn and movies. I smiled and opened the door wider so he could walk in. He came in and sat on the bed. I followed him and sat next to him. We watched the movie but sometime during it we started throwing popcorn at each other. We ended up in fits off laughter and popcorn all over my room.

Once Zayn caught his breath he smiled and looked at me, "Hey, Ni, it's about dinner time. Ready to go down and eat?"

I frowned and shrugged, "I guess. I mean, I have to eat sometime right?"

Zayn must have noticed my mood change. He pulled me into a hug, "Niall you have to talk to them sometime."

"I know I do. I just don't like how everyone but I knew. I mean, you probably even had a hunch didn't you?" I sighed and looked up at him.

"Yes, you're right. I had a hunch that Liam liked you. I knew it since the day I had Perrie over. It was pretty obvious Niall."

I groaned, "So I'm stupid then?"

Zayn shook his head and ruffled my hair, "No Niall, you're just too innocent to see what's right in front of you. Liam is still your best friend, yes he likes you more than one. But in his offence, it's kind of difficult not to fall for you."

I looked over Zayn and he stood up, walking to my door, "Just come down when you're ready."

I nodded and he left my room. Did Zayn just admit he likes me more than a friend?


Zayn's POV

Oh crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. What did I just do? I practically admitted that I loved Niall. Why did I do that? Crap! He has enough to deal with, I mean Liam just kissed the poor leprechaun on National television. He doesn't need me to make things more complicated.

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