Kayla's POV
(Right after the lads got home from interview)
I was sitting in Harry's room when I heard running feet coming up the stairs and then a door slam shut. I wanted to peek out and see what was happening but knew better than to do so. Curiousity was running through my mind. I knew it was one of the lads but which one? Judging by where I had heard voices from the days before and from Harry's short explination of who's room was where it was either Niall's or Louis' door that slammed.
Louis had caught Harry and I kissing in the hall way earlier before the interview. My cheeks heated at the thought of the hallway kiss. It was so simple and unexpected. I knew I had a crush on Harry before I had ever met him. I mean everyone knew One Direction and of course everyone had a crush on at least one of the members. Mine happened to be on the curly haired member. And then after he almost hit me with his car and brought me back here then letting me stay and getting to know him, my feelings grew for him. He was so caring and sweet, he listened when I spoke and seemed to honestly care about what I said. How could you not fall for that?
My thoughts were interuppted when there was a soft knock at the door and a familiar british accent came through the door "Kayla? Are you deccent?"
I nodded then realized he couldn't see me and answered verbally "Yes I am fully dressed." I giggled lightly.
The door opened and a curly headed boy stood in the doorway with a lopsided smile on his face, the door closed quietly behind him, "Good. Wouldn't want to walk in on you naked or halfway dressed would we?"
I gasped faking hurt "What mister Styles? Is my body not good enough for you?" I stood up and twirled in a circle, my new baby blue dress he bought me swirling a bit as I spun.
When I stopped and looked at him, he was smiling softly which made me blush lightly. I hope he didn't notice. He walked towards me and stopped once he was a few inches away. I looked up into his emerald green eyes as he looked into my bland blue eyes "Absolutely stunning," he whispered to me which caused me to blush deeply.
I covered my face with my hands and groaned, which I'm pretty possitive was extremely unattractive. I somehow made my way over to the bed without running into anything and flopped down on it. I could feel Harry standing behind me.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Kayla talk to me." Harry's worried voice was so cute. I smiled slightly and a giggle escaped before I could stop it.
It got silent in the room so I moved my hands from my face and looked over to where I knew Harry was standing. He had a smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to ask him what he was thinking but before I could he came towards me. I scooted back on the bed and he pinned me down then started tickling me. I started laughing and squirming, trying to get away but he kept me pinned down so I couldn't go anywhere.
"H-Harry! L-let me goooo!" I managed to get out between fits of laughter.
After a few more seconds of tickling, he finally stopped and rolled over on the bed next to me. I breathed heavily until I caught my breath and turned, glaring at him.
He was looking up at the ceiling with his eyes closed and a small smile on his lips. His curls hanging around messily but looked perfect on him. His blazer fell open when he had rolled over next to me and his white tee hugged his body. I looked away before I let my thoughts go farther than his looks.
There was a knock at the door and I looked at Harry with wide eyes. In the five days I had been here, no one had come looking for him when he was in his room. We had spoken about what I was to do if someone did so I got off the bed quietly and made my way to the bathroom where I got in the tub and pulled the curtain shut.

Niam.... only a dream?
FanfictionLiam and Harry tried dating but they’ve drifted apart and Liam has eyes for someone else. Will he ever get to be with that person? Louis makes a realization that will change his life forever. Harry meets someone new that helps him through the hurt h...