7 months later...

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it's been 7 months since i last updated..
over a year since i've wrote this.
lots of things have been going on in that time frame and i'm planning to write some more or another book in general about shifting or people experiences of shifting to help motivate you! i have not shifted or even attempted to shift in forever but i think about it every day on how amazing it would be to be there right now.

during these 7 months i've been doing school work or work, moved once and moving again next week. i'm moving out of the province (yes i'm canadian) so i haven't really had the right mindset to shift but have the sudden urge to start trying again.

i've been extremely close a few times but haven't successfully shifted. but i still believe i can. and so can you.

if you would like share some shifting stories if you have shifted, or if you haven't have you ever felt close to shifting? do you have any questions that someone who has shifted could answer?

i just wrote this because i want the right people to see this and help you believe in yourself because you can do it. you really can. it's science, don't listen to haters saying "it's just a lucid dream" cause they're 2 different things. lucid dreaming is a realistic dream while shifting is moving your self conscious to another reality while you're body is still physically here (OR/CR) while your mind is somewhere else...literally.

but just a reminder that breaks are good, i just finished a 7 month break and planning on attempting again soon. so can you <33

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