a/n- 2

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November 28 2020,

so this isn't really related to the book but I'm attempting to shift tonight since it is a full moon and I have been seeing angel numbers the past couple days. So I'm going to try the Julia method or maybe the Raven, I'm not sure.

But for the next couple hours I'm going to meditate, practice visualizing, and work on my script. Also gonna lots drink water. My stupid self drank coffee at 8:30 bc I'm a fucking idiot and didn't realize it was a full moon and I was like Oh shit

So I'm drinking water and if I'm doing the Raven Method I have a gravol on my bedside table to help me sleep and to calm my stomach down bc that iced coffee didn't sit well in my stomach.

So I'm going to kill a couple hours by writing a letter to my DR self, listening to subs, work on my script, meditate, and practice visualizing.

Wish me luck :)

I'll update you guys :)



It's about 2 hours later and I've calmed myself down by watching some youtube videos and then learned some history of the black family :) I decided not to write a letter tonight but I'm listening to a detachment sub while I'm writing this. I'll also be listening to subs while I'm going through my script. Then I'll prob practice visualizing and meditate :) I drank a full bottle of water as well, might refill but I feel so calm and don't want to go downstairs lol. I'm literally writing about what I've been doing for the past 2 hours so sorry if I'm boring you. But the next update will most likely be if I shifted or not, there's really nothing else that I'd need to update y'all about. But shift tonight because it's a full moon (Unless you already had it, or it's tomorrow for you) But good luck with shifting, I'm going to try to believe in myself! And I'm gonna go practice visualizing now. Bye :)

November 29 2020
I fell asleep while meditating :/ I was so tired I lost focus on what I was actually planning to do oops. But i felt symptoms while I was meditating so that was good ig :)


January 4 2021

Happy new year!!!! New year new you... literally. BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING THAT MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT. You can go up to one of your friends and ask "Do you know what Quantum Jumping is?" There's a high chance they'll so no. But promise me that you'll have one glass of water or more (Just try one glass at least) Do a little schoolwork or as much as you want :) and do something to make your parents/guardians proud! I think a lot of people are not in a good mental state, I included. (Last night was the only night I haven't cried myself to sleep the past week) so I haven't been attempting or writing. I'm slowly gaining motivation though! I'll update when I attempt shifting!

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