method 1.0~ The Raven Method

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This method is pretty popular and works well for good visualizers. 

In order to do this method, you'll need to be half asleep. if it helps, take a melatonin or whatever helps you sleep (I sometimes use gravol since I don't have it)

This method almost worked for me once and it was an AMAZING expericence but then i got scared and opened my eyes (i could've shifted smh)

You first want to lay in a starfish position, no limbs touching. 

Then you want to start counting to 100 slowly while imagining a scene in your dr, try to use all 5 senses. (You can count out loud if it's easier) 

Ex. Imagine talking to Draco, eating with Ron. And imagine what you'd hear, see, taste, feel, and smell.

You can listen to waves or subliminals while you are doing this to help.

You want to lay completely still while doing this, resit the urge to move. You might feel itches or get the urge to move, but don't. Slowly count to 100, while thinking about your scene, and you should fall asleep and wake up in your dr.

You may feeling like you are out of your body, or tingly, but dw thats good!

Don't worry if you didn't shift, you just have to believe.

One of the most common mis-conceptions on tiktok is that it is very rare to shift on your first try, no. that is wrong. as long as you beleive you can, you can. same with it can take months to shift, no, as long as you have the right mindset and are meditating, you can shift whenever!

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