scripting 1.1~important things to add

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so there was an example on the last page, but those aren't to my satisfaction and maybe not to yours. there are some things that you NEED to add to your script that I HIGHLY recommend. (well you don't neeeeed them but like-recommended)

if you're a girl, add that you don't get your period (whenever you get urs just shift and don't come back for a week lolll that's what I'm gonna do) but make sure that it doesn't affect your health in your dr<3

add that you can't get pregnant until your above 18 or whatever age you feel comfortable with

if you're going to hogwarts and you're slytherin like me add that dumbledore likes you he'll take points off for anything (or every teacher but i'd like at least not be be loved by all of them idk why)

add that you have unlimited money and a large wardrobe :)

PLEASE add that the food tastes good someone forgot that and they said it was like eating grass-

add that you cannot die! and add specific people you don't want to die either

you should add that Voldemort doesn't exist unless you can handle trauma in your dr (if your in hogwarts i scripted that he was dead)


add when you are forced to drink truth serum you won't say anything about shifting, or your script

script that you know all the spells and have the knowledge from the previous years (hogwarts)

you are good at fighting ( muggle and wizard way)😉

you smell good all the time! or just that you don't stink💀

you have good mental health! (i mean mean like that's why we're shifting is to escape depression and anxiety right?)

and you can add any personal stuff about yourself <3

this is all I can think of atm so add things down in the comments of what you should add!

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