why breaks are important

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Shifting takes up a lot of energy, so if you try to shift every day, is probably why you aren't shifting.

You should take at least a 2-day break before you shift again. While you're in your 'break' regain motivation and raise your vibrations by meditating, work on your script, write a letter, or do whatever helps you gain motivation and raise your vibrations! Plan the next time you are going to shift! And the night before you shift the next day say affirmations to really raise your vibrations for the next day. Like 'I am going to shift tomorrow" "I am shifting" "I believe in myself"

Breaks are important because shifting can be very draining and exhausting, and if you try every day you can make yourself sick. So the recommended shifting times would be after trying 2-3 days take a couple of days of rest. You can try a week straight if you're more used to shifting, but still, take breaks. I took about a 3-week break before attempted again. 

Breaks will help you shift when you attempt because you have enough energy to shift. The more energy you have and the more breaks you take help lots.

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