tiktok misconceptions and false info

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so you probably found out about shifting on tiktok, I did. there was and still is false info on there. from a researcher to a baby shifter I'm here. and sorry for not uploading, been busy with school and shifting myself. 

One: Is shifting lucid dreaming?

so one of the most misconceptions on tiktok is saying it's just a really lucid dream. no, shifting is shifting. lucid dreaming is lucid dreaming. if you look up the science between them, they are different. I already have the science behind it on here, now that I look back at it it's not that well written sorry about that, but they are totally different. shifting is moving your subconscious to another reality with real people.

Two: Do you need a method to shift?

No. Shifting is easier than breathing! You do it every second. You are just using it to a higher extend. All you need is to believe in yourself, but don't force yourself to believe it's real, make yourself believe it's real!!! Read up on quantum jumping, attempt to shift! It doesn't matter! As long as you believe in yourself you can! How do you think people 'accidentally' shift! It's because they know and believe it's real! You literally can lay in a comfortable position, meditate, and visualize you dr and let your body numb, but keep your mind awake by saying affirmations or music that reminds you of your dr because you can visualize. It's literally so simple! I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself just like I do! I believe everyone who reads this for help shifting will shift!

Three: Do I need a script?

Nope! You do not. Scripting is just a tool to use to help you organize your thoughts and your dr. It's meant to guide you throughout your visualization process. In my script, I have all the stuff I want to happen in my dr, and stuff to help me get to my dr, and track all the methods I use to help me shift to see what works best for me! Although scripting is recommended if it hard for you think what you want your dr to be, it's definitely something you don't need.

Four: Is shifting dangerous?

the answer is no. you're dr may be dangerous if you script it to be, but your or (original reality) won't be affected. Like if you're shifting to TWD obviously it's going to be dangerous since there are millions of zombies trying to eat you. Or if you are shifting to a war. But no, it is not dangerous to shift AT ALL. don't be scared!

Five: Is my clone going to do bad things?

No no no. Your clone is exactly like you. Unless you script it to do bad things, which I highly recommend not to do that it will. Script that your clone will make good choices and will do your schoolwork for you while your gone, and if you use a sleeping method, script that your clone sleeps while you usually do and wake up when you do. You don't have to, but if you're like me that is something I'd do because I'm too lazy to do it. 

Six: Shifting is witchcraft

No shifting is not witchcraft and not against any religions. It's science. I am not a religious person so I didn't worry about this but other people are so if you are scared that shifting is against your religion its not. :) 

Comment any questions that you are still unsure about shifting and I and other people will answer you with correct info :)

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