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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:* 3rd person pov

it was bright sunny morning and taehyung had just entered the road that he was supposed to be living in and of course he was nervous because he didn't know what life would be like. he looked outside from the moving truck to see a big house that happen to be his "look taehyungie" he just nodded "i see it eomma". his dad pulls up and stops the truck, they all get out and taehyung starts to unload the truck with his stuff he turns to the side to see some boy looking from his window then ends up looking away because taehyung noticed him.

he shrugged it off and walked up to his bedroom to put down the last bit off his stuff while his parents were bringing other stuff in. his parents brought in his mattress and bed frame, also his desk "thanks eomma & Appa" he smiled at them they smiled back.

eomma: how do you like the place?

taehyung: umm it's decent just need to get use too it a bit more

eomma: you'll be fine sweetie

she rubs his head "ahh eomma stop" she chuckles "okay get settled in sweetie" taehyung nods and watches him eomma go out. he shuts the door behind her and looks at the box with "bed stuff" written on it he starts to make his bed and put his pillow cases, then adding some more little pillows.

he looks at the box by the far window, written with "decorations" he rips off the tape and takes out some photos of his sister, then putting it onto his shelf. taehyung sighed "i miss you" he mumbled to himself, Taehyung's sister happened to get into a car crash 2 years before they moved here and taehyung still hasn't recovered from that, they were very close. he gets out some leaves, then taping at the back of his bed causing a backdrop, he goes back to the window to see the same boy staring at him. he gets scared and the boy from the other side chuckles softly.

taehyung smiles a little and waves, the boy smirks and waves back to Taehyung. he asks taehyung to pull up his window and so he does.

boy from the window: hey, what's your name?

Taehyung: its taehyung, kim taehyung

boy from the other side: well im jeon jungkook, your new neighbour of course

taehyung: it's nice to meet you..jungkook

jungkook: this is gonna be fun

as he says that he quickly winks at taehyung then shuts his window. taehyung cocks his head to the side then mumbles to himself "that was weird" but brushes it off. he grabs his led lights then strips them across his whole room, he starts grabbing some little posters of photography he took, he puts in a heart shape in the corner of his room and quickly smiles. basically Taehyungs parents let him decorate his room however he likes since he is an only child now.

once he finishes decorating, he turns on his led lights to red and takes out his camera, laptop as well starts to put them on his desk. he decorated his desk with some plants, then a picture of his family when it had his sister. he sets up his clock and sets up the time that's said on his phone "12:47pm". once he finishes all that, taehyung places a rug down then looks around his room in happiness that it's decorated so well.

he yells but saying in a polite voice "eomma i finished!" she comes inside "wow taehyungie it looks so good" he smiles "thank you i like it" she smiles.

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