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Alvin looked around with uncertainty in his blue eyes. In a strange world, where the sky is purple with mix of white (like the stars), the ground is pure color of stone, dry and lifeless and the said ground is floating...on nowhere.

Said nowhere appeared a robot-like figure with deadly purple eyes, hands, heart and tail (it doesn't have feet) while the rest of it were pure gray.

"Alvin, it's time."

Alvin backed away. "No, no it isn't." He chuckled nervously. "I'm not in the level to beat you yet!"

"Why wait? We could end it now." The robot said menacingly, its shadow almost in to devouring Alvin, the red clad screamed.


Alvin woke up from his bed, sweating and panting. He looked around and noticed that both his brother's beds were empty.

"S-Simon? T-Theodore?" He called weakly, still shaking from his dream.

The door's knob turned and David, Alvin's father, peeked. "Alvin, get up. It's the first day of school."

"School? That's even worse!" Alvin hid under his blanket and Dave walked up to his son's bed and removed his red blanket.

"Alvin, you're going to get up and get ready. It's the first day of school, so don't be late."

"But Dave-"

"And no buts." Dave walked out of the room and shut the door. Alvin, still with his eyes wide, continued panting and slowly jumped from his bed. He got out through the mini door and went to the bathroom, still eyes wide.

He brushed his teeth, mumbling.

"Need to get to boss level, need to get to boss level."

He didn't notice nor heard the high-pitching sound that neither anyone heard either.

The old-modeled car stopped and the three brothers peeked from the window.

"Dave, who's that?" Theodore asked.

"It must be a new principal."

"A new principal!?" Alvin shrieked. "But- but the old principal- where is she?!"

"From what I heard, it says that she resigned to teach in the UK." Simon told Alvin, not looking at his brother.


"Apparently she and her husband were moving there. She's pregnant."


"Alvin, if you keep reacting like that, then everyone will freak out." Simon glanced at his freaking out brother.

"B-bye Dave." Theodore waved.

"Bye, Theodore." Dave waved back and the three brothers got out of the car and started walking to the doors of the school, but not without stopping to get a glimpse of the new principal's face. No, it's only Alvin apparently.

"Alvin." Simon called. "Come on."

"Wait just a minute, Simon. I want to see the new principal."

"Alvin, he's going to introduce himself to the class today. You could see him later."

"Wait- I'm about to see his face- agh!"

Simon dragged Alvin by his hood. "We're going to be late, Alvin."

"But I want to see him!"

"You'll see him later."

Alvin tried to get away from Simon's grip with no success. He just groaned.

ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks: The GiftedWhere stories live. Discover now