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Jeanette decided to wander around the treehouse while waiting for both Brittany and Eleanor. As it's morning, Jeanette decided to let curiosity get the best of her. She went to the kitchen drawers and opened them, picking up a knife. She caressed said knife and focused some of her energy on it. At last, butter appeared on the knife.

"Well, I did cut butter yesterday." She muttered and put down the knife, which is clean once again. She felt pain shoot her head again, and she rubbed it. She then went to the mixer and touched it. When she did so, she immediately saw a dirty mixer with cream all over it rather than a clean and shiny one.

"Weird." She muttered and exited the treehouse, going to the flowers. She touched one purple flower and it suddenly appeared as a seed. As soon as she stopped touching it, the flower became its current state. She stood and looked at her hands. It looked normal. Jeanette's heart start beating fast. What's happening to her? What's up with her hands?

Jeanette looked around frantically. Where can she share this? Who can she share the 'weird' things happening to her. 


One yell, and one look at the Seville house, she knows whom she will share it and could probably figure something out.

She'll talk to him later.

Jeanette and the other five waited at the room with only six chairs, boredom invading the air.

She looked at the seat beside her, occupied by Brittany (who, strangely, is wearing pink sunglasses), then at the seat behind Jeanette, occupied by Alvin, then at the seat behind Brittany and beside Alvin, occupied by Simon.

Currently, the glass-eyed boy is doing extra homework credit in Maths. 

Alvin looked up from his desk and found Jeanette "staring" at Simon. He grinned evilly before fiddling with his cap.

Jeanette swallowed, her heart starting to beat faster. She didn't know why, aside from the fact that she's about to tell something strange again. Was she turning like Alvin? No, definitely not. She stood and walked to Simon.

"Hi, Simon."

Simon looked up. "Oh, hey Jeanette." He said while pushing his glasses back to his nose.

Jeanette's eyes wandered around the room and found Alvin grinning like an idiot. No doubt there, Brittany and Eleanor thinks he's a real idiot.

"Uhh...Simon...I kind of want to talk to you." Jeanette said, playing with her fingers. "Outside?" She smiled nervously. Great for her, Simon looked confused for a brief moment before nodding. 

"O-ok." Simon stood, fixed his things and went to exit the room. Both leaned to a wall. "What's wrong? A-are you ok?"

Jeanette nodded. "I'm fine...except I'm not."

Simon gave her a confused look before expressing annoyance. "Wait just a moment, Jean." He said before opening the door wide. Alvin was standing there, chuckling nervously. Simon looked deadpan. 

Alvin backed away before Simon shut the door. He went back to leaning to the wall and started acting like it didn't happen.

"What's wrong?" Simon asked with deep concern.

Maybe it was a bad idea, after all.

Jeanette looked around in nervousness before sighing. "I don't know, Simon. Weird things keep happening."

"What kind of weird things?"

"Like...I can summon...things."

"Summon things?" Simon repeated in confusion. "Tell me what happened."

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