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"Seems lonely." Eleanor commented.

Ignatius pressed his thumb on a high-tech green thing beside the door, and the door immediately opened.

"A fingerprint recognizer?" Simon guessed. "I have one at home!"

"Wait, what?" Alvin gaped.

"A science genius, you are." says Ignatius and made a way for the six to enter. The six went inside the class, containing six small seats, they all sat in their chosen seats.

Alvin behind Jeanette, who is beside Brittany. Simon is behind Brittany. Eleanor beside Simon, and Theodore in front of her.

"Ask away." Ignatius said.

"What. Is. This?!" Alvin shrieked.

"A special class."

"What. For?" Alvin asked again.

"With the test you took earlier, the Principal had determined the most competent and most talented students to take the next step."

"And what would that be!?"

"Preparing for enhancing and improving your talents." Ignatius read something on his desk. "Of course." He picked a remote from under the table and pressed it. A projector appeared and a logo was shown.

"All of you will be part of The Gifted. The special class that produced many prodigious students. Whether Astronomers, Scientists, Engineers, Chemists, Archaeologists, or even Artists." As Ignatius spoke, the projector showed many famous and successful personalities that's taking a picture with Ignatius and the principal. "And I expect you will be the same." He looked at Alvin. "Of course, there are perks that comes with being The Gifted student."

"Then what?" spat Alvin.

"Better access in bathrooms, earlier breaks, and many more."

"Better access in bathrooms?" Simon asked in disbelief, as the day when Derek forbid him from going to the comfort room appeared once again in his mind.

"Earlier breaks?" Alvin raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, earlier breaks."

Alvin pondered.

"A deal?" Eleanor asked. "Then what are we gonna do to get those?"

"Just attend this class and improve your talents, be active in school activities and that's it."

Eleanor nodded. "Seems good."

Theodore rubbed his stomach. "Earlier breaks. Earlier lunch?" He looked around, and his friends who were still silent.

"Fine." Alvin decided.

"It's not like you have a choice anyway. Be comfortable." He handed one box to each of the six. "Wear that inside school premises, that will recognize you as a Gifted student."

"Where are we supposed to wear this?" Theodore asked.

"Left chest."

A few seconds later, everyone have pinned their badges on their left chests.

"Of course, you still can't run in the halls." said Ignatius. "We'll start tomorrow. Go home now, you all."

All six went out of the room. Alvin got his skateboard out of his bag and started skateboarding, leaped himself and the skateboard to the stair handle and the rule-breaking instinct is on.

Simon shakes his head in disbelief, but reminded himself that it's his brother Alvin, the number one troublemaker in school.


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