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A/N: And now that we're done wtih Jeanette, we'll start with Brittany! This will be the very last complete four-chapter 'arc' before we get to the last one, an incomplete arc. Hope you enjoy!

"Jeanette, are you totally ok?"

Jeanette internally groaned. "Brit, I'm really fine." She smiled at her sister. "Don't worry about me."

"And Brit, stop wearing those sunglasses."

They turned towards Eleanor, who is descending from the stairs.

"You're wearing that a lot. I think fashion week has ended by now. It's Monday."

Two days after Jeanette's misfortune, Brittany can't help but to treat her sister like a baby. Even if she's not.

Brittany fixed Jeanette's purple hoodie. "We'll take care of you. Don't worry, Jean." She messed with Jeanette's unruly hair. "And look at that hair. Don't you have time to fix that?"

"Brittany, Alvin's at the door." Eleanor said in a snarky manner.

Brittany turned to the door. It should've been open by then if Alvin is really there. She glared at Eleanor, who smirked in return.

"Come on, we have a school to go." Eleanor said and walked away, holding a bag full of...balls.

"Eleanor, what's that?" Brittany said like she just caught her sister sneaking a candy.

"Soccer balls, Brit. I thought you know that." Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"No. I mean what are those for?"

"Clubs. It's starting today."

"And you have to bring that many balls?"

"No. I would bring more than one just in case Alvin decided to do his 'outstanding technique'." Eleanor said the last part with sarcasm.

Jeanette shakes her head. "Alvin did waste that many soccer balls."

Brittany fixed her sunglasses. "Alright, let's go."

Eleanor rolled her eyes while Jeanette shrugged. Brittany walked out of the tree house and was immediately welcome by fresh air.

"Good Mornin-- oof!"

Brittany was knocked by something black-and-white. She stood up, and the black-and-white object turned out to be a soccer ball that came from below. She looked over the balcony to see Alvin smirking at her. She snarled.


Brittany was sitting still, boredom on her side.

She's still wearing the ridiculous sunglasses that Eleanor always complain about. Clenching her pencil tightly, she stared at the oh-so-beautiful drawing of hers. Mind the sarcasm.

"Afternoon?" Brittany heard Alvin shriek. "All three clubs?!"

"Alvin, did you even read the schedule?" Simon asked, which tone said that he's sure Alvin hadn't.

Alvin chuckled weakly. Simon's right.

Brittany rolled her eyes. She quickly pushed aside her feeling of annoyance and focused on her excitement.

Theater club is starting soon, and she can't wait to act again.

Alvin laughed behind Jeanette. Brittany glared at him, as he's mocking Brittany's sunglasses while gasping for breath.

"Brittany- those glasses. It looks ridiculous!"

Brittany reddened in anger, and before she could beat Alvin with her own snarky words, Ignatius comes.

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