Chapter 7 • Hidden

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Xiao Zhan is in the corner of their canteen, sitting alone. But at least, He has a lot of food on his table that got an attentions from other students.

Some of them are wonder and confused. oh, He used his first week salary that Mr. President Wang gave last friday and paid his rented apartment for this month.

He's eating peacefully didn't minding other people's eyes staring at him. The foods are so delicious indeed! but the prices are not a joke.

"Am I dreaming? the son of a whore can afford these now?!"

"argh! I'm sure he has a sugar daddy duh"

"hahaha you're right! what do you expect to a son of a bitch?"

"Like mother, like son!"

The students laughed at him. Xiao Zhan banged his hands on the table that made the students startled.

Xiao Zhan then again set eyes on them. A warning is visible to Xiao Zhan's sharp eyes but ofcourse the four girls students are not scared to him! They even walk towards his place.

"Those eyes... are so ugly!" the one girl with opened uniform enough to see her bo*bs grabbed Xiao Zhan's hair tight and lifted Xiao Zhan's face up.

While the three girls are waiting for a permission to attack from the girl that seems like their leader who holding Xiao Zhan's hair. They are about to attack but the school bell rings mean their break time is over.

The bitchy girl snorted as she let Xiao Zhan's hair, "We're not done yet"

Xiao Zhan stood up after the girls left him and back to their classroom.


"Kid, Since you're going to Wangs' mansion please inform Mr. Wang that we will having an exam. I will give Mr. President Wang a permission letter to let his son to take the exam here" Their prof said after he took Wang Yibo's papers last friday from Xiao Zhan. But it was Xiao Zhan who answered that. So why he didn't enjoyed his weekend, Xiao Zhan did that all day! even their homeworks.

"I will sir"

Their prof nodded signalling Xiao Zhan that he may leave which is Xiao Zhan did. He is the only one student in their classroom tho because he waited almost an hour after the class ended for their professor to comeback.

This the second week of Xiao Zhan for being Wang Yibo's tutor. 3 weeks left before their graduation.

Xiao Zhan sighed. He remembered the day when Wang Yibo's first day here.

"That day... I really want to approach you"

Xiao Zhan is mopping the floor of their hallway, Zhao Liying told him to do it everyday before the class starts. Well, that is because she was embarrassed having a sibling from other woman of his dad and now she want to show to everyone that Xiao Zhan is just nothing to Zhao family.

"Guys! did you saw the new student here?!" the girl excitedly asked.

"oh! that handsome and hot boy!"

"Yes that one! i heard that he is from a wealthy family!"

"Yup! he is a Wang!"

Xiao Zhan froze from what he is doing and mumbled, "Wang?!"

"I think he is the Second young master of Wang family!"

Xiao Zhan's heart beats rapidly, "Wang Yibo!" he then throw out the mop and runs to the school yard. No one told him where Wang Yibo at but his heart lead his way to his.

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