Chapter 24 • New Beginning

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"What?! Wangs' Company has a new COO?!" Zhao Liying almost explode after hearing this from his father.

Mr. Zhao just leaned on his chair, "Yes, My daughter. Ziteng was so confident to have  COO so suddenly, So.. I know that person is no joke."

Liying then crossed her arms as she stomping her feet.

"You know dad, Having a COO can't still beat us you know! We have that puppy Wang Sean though" She confidently said.

"Right, But still I could sense danger" Mr. Zhao then placed his chin above his hand.

Zhao Liying just laughed at him as she replies, "Don't be, Dad. How about I will head to their company to check who's that person?"

Mr. Zhao then nodded, "Better be.. they'll gonna held a welcome party tonight. Check that person, and make sure he is not a threat"


"Good timing, Secretary Han.. Please schedule me a meeting with the department heads." Xiao Zhan immediately blurted as soon as Secretary Han entered his office, his eyes on papers.

"I will sir but Mr. President and other C-level members are at the rooftop waiting for you"

Xiao Zhan sighed, "I'll follow"

Secretary Han then nodded as she left the room. While Xiao Zhan had to finish the one file before he went to that rooftop.

It's already Evening, The cold breeze brushes Xiao Zhan's skin. Glad, he took his trench coat before he goes here.

This rooftop filled with many lights and there are alot of opulent people in this long table.

Their eyes laid on him as soon as he entered. Some are widened their eyes and mouth gaped open!

They were like, "President Wang was correct! our new COO indeed a fallen angel!"

Wang Yibo described Xiao Zhan with exaggeration earlier, Well the C-level members were not disappointed though! Xiao Zhan's beauty is beyond their imagination.

Xiao Zhan didn't mind them as he started to walk and find a seat.

His gaze was averted when he heard his name, "Xiao!"

Xiao Zhan then followed that voice and saw the ex-president grinning at him! Yibo is sitting on the top side of this table as well, eyeing him.

When Xiao Zhan's and Yibo's eyes met, Xiao Zhan immediately avoid it and set eyes on the ex president instead as he answered him a polite smile.

Since the awkward scene happened earlier, Xiao Zhan starts to ignore Wang Yibo!

Secretary Han then saw how lost Xiao Zhan is, So she guided Xiao Zhan to the other top side of this table. Thus, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are facing to each other.

After they welcome Xiao Zhan, they started chattering while eating with elegance.

Even though it is now so loud and they're busy talking with the ex-president. Wang Yibo's full attention was on Xiao Zhan only although He keeps avoiding his eyes.

As a newbie here, Xiao Zhan trying his best to reply them with his soft voice and limit of words to get along with them too.

Wang Yibo also can't hide his smile everytime Xiao Zhan tries to communicate with them!

Wang Yibo, "So cute"

Secretary Han noticed his Boss smiling like a fool! Can't help but to be confused, She then follow the direction of what he's smiling at.

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