Chapter 17 • Vindictive

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Wang Yibo came back to their mansion after he went from hospital, waiting for Zhao Liying's little gift it's unusual for Yibo to receive a gift from her. Yibo refused to take it but Zhao Liying said it's a special present and about Sean, and thus he's quite excited to see it..

Not longer, Zhao Liying arrives with a small paper bag with her and rush towards Yibo with excitement.

"Babe, I know you still yearning for Sean Xiao and I really put an effort to talk with him" Zhao Liying lied as she sat down on the sofa.

Wang Yibo sat beside her after, "You talked with.... him?!" He disbelief asked.

Zhao Liying grinned to him widely as if she has not done anything, "Yes! I met him as well~"

That makes Wang Yibo excitement burst, "Where?!"

Zhao Liying laughed, "hahaha it's a secret that we made"

Wang Yibo looked at her suspiciously, "How should I believe you?"

Zhao Liying's eyebrows met, "Do you think I will lie to you? Here take a look, Sean told me to give this to you" She then passed the paper bag.

Wang Yibo hesitated to take it, his hands are shaking right now. But still he managed to grabbed it from her as Zhao Liying smirked.

"You know babe, Sean looks different now." Zhao Liying whispered to Yibo's ear while he took the small box from the paperbag.

Wang Yibo's sweat are cold and
He can't hide how his heart pumps so fast right now!

Yibo paused for a moment as he glance at Liying, "If this is from him.. why Sean was not the one who gave me these? And how does you knew his whereabouts?"

Zhao Liying prepared an explanations for these, "Well.. He was the one who came for me and So why we can't track him that's because He changed all the details about him and his mother since then"

She continues, "As what I have said, Sean looks really differently now. I almost didn't recognized him! We met at the café with his Husband"

Wang Yibo felt his heart skipped a beat, "H-Husband?"

Zhao Liying nodded, "Yeah! Sean is happy for us too when I told him we are gonna married soon"

Wang Yibo seemed like someone threw a bucket of cold water to him, "Impossible!"

Zhao Liying, "Aiya! Yibo why you always doubting me? I'm saying the truth! He said, in that box has his letter and a sentimental value thing from you to prove its authentication"

Wang Yibo immediately destroy the box and yes, he found a paper that neatly folded and a necklace.

He scanned the necklace first and almost his voice cracks, "This is my mom's necklace that I gave to him..."

Yibo's heart slowly breaking into pieces as he reminded him of Sean Xiao's lies that... he thought.

Wang Yibo smooch his forehead, "Please don't be inlove with someone else, baobao"

"I won't Nai Bo, you're the only one that I can give the beeeest type of love I have!"

Zhao Liying uninterested asked, "Really? Read the letter" She's glad that she took that necklace from Xiao Zhan or else Yibo won't believe her.

Wang Yibo who is now totally not in a mood, "Would you leave me first?"

Zhao Liying looked at him with her intensifying eyes but that wasn't makes Yibo scare of her instead he paid her two times of it.

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