Chapter 20 • Marked by Fate

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7 years later,

"Did they signed?" Xiao Zhan then took the papers from Darren as he scan it one by one looking for the signatures.

"Well, Your father is so greed for power. Ofcourse, he signed" Darren sneered as he look at Xiao Zhan's dull eyes that filled with clearly loathe.

Xiao Zhan then sat down back again on his chair and leaned on it with satisfied look in his face.

"Darren, Who's father are you talking about?" Xiao Zhan shook his head unbelievably as an abhor could be seen.

Yes, Xiao Zhan starts to call him by his name sinced he married Darren. But! That was not he loves Darren, actually there's no intimate relationship between them. It was just a fixed marriage that Darren's parents made for both of them.


It's simple. So that Xiao Zhan will be a Wang, they knew a Wang is a powerful family when it came to a business therefore... Xiao Zhan will easily get an incorporators for his own company. And that's what happening now, Wang Sean almost pave all the companies in this country.

But when Xiao Zhan achieved it, he stood up by his own according to their plans.

"Oh.. My bad President Xiao. By the way, Congratulations you owned the 50% of the Zhaos' Company" Darren then took his wine glass, same goes on Xiao Zhan and click their glasses before they drink abit of it.

"WE" Xiao Zhan's corrected as he continues, "We shouldn't celebrating yet.. Mr. Wang, Could you invest more on my behalf?"

Darren remembered something so suddenly when he heard the 'Mr. Wang' he can't help but to smiled slightly, he wondered why Xiao Zhan is not sensitive with that name anymore.

"Sure, I know you can't reveal your identity to them yet. And thanks to Uncle until now he didn't telling Mr. Zhao that Yibo and I are related. They thought you're just my wife" Darren then grabbed the wine again as he pour it in his glass.

"Yeah" Xiao Zhan said before a silent appeared between them. Just the sound of the clock and the air conditioner could be hear. This always happens when Darren tries to open a conversation about Yibo. Xiao Zhan avoids that kind of unnecessary topic.

Darren Wang set eyes on Xiao Zhan who is now busy reading the papers he handed earlier.

"He's really became a different person. Seems like there's no any hole of weakness in him now but there's one thing I'm certain, the only one i know it hides in his.. heart"

After long years that Darren with Xiao Zhan, he could say that Xiao Zhan's soft eyes were changed into a cold and deadly eyes. Xiao Zhan's appearance changed also! His bruised skin before literally became a porcelain-like skin that made people
could kneel down for him without hesitations well, if Xiao Zhan would like them to do it so.

"Xiao Zhan it's already midnight. Don't work too hard, you should get some rests" Darren reminds. Darren acts like a husband to him again which is Xiao Zhan used to it.

Xiao Zhan bothered to put the papers down first before he replies, "I know.. No need to worry"

"Good. I will take my leave then, see you tomorrow" Darren then stood up as he walks way out to the door but Xiao Zhan stopped him.

"Wait Darren.. Zhao Ren would like to hold a shareholders' meeting next week right?"

"You're right" Darren froze to his place when he looked at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan's eyes were sharp!

"D-Don't tell me you will gonna attend?"

Xiao Zhan smirked that made Darren felt chills. He knew it, Xiao Zhan will take a step now, "I must tell Haikuan as soon as possible."

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