Chapter 8 • Hindrance

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Wang Yibo groaned soundlessly when he glanced at Xiao Zhan's neck. Zhao Liying holds his right arm that made Wang Yibo startled abit. He forgot that Zhao Liying is here.

Zhao Liying, "Babe, let's back inside. I'm sure Uncle Wang and my Dad are done chatting" Zhao Liying feels intense when Wang Haikuan glared at her!

Wang Yibo shakes his head as he saying 'No'

Xiao Zhan waits Wang Haikuan to close the door of his car before they started to walk towards the door. There Xiao Zhan saw Wang Yibo staring at him intensely while Zhao Liying glaring at him too as she held Wang Yibo's arm tightly, seems like she's telling Xiao Zhan that she owned Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan stopped with his head lowered that made Wang Haikuan confused and worried when he noticed Xiao Zhan's pale face. Wang Haikuan had to stopped too.

Wang Haikuan, "Zhan...?"

Since Wang Haikuan told the truth, Xiao Zhan never replied him again. Xiao Zhan didn't know if he should be happy because Wang Yibo cares for him too but why he can't feel any happiness about it? Perhaps, Wang Yibo made that just because he felt pity for Xiao Zhan. And Xiao Zhan hate that.

"Mr. Kuan. I'm... scared" Xiao Zhan then meets Wang Haikuan's eyes. Xiao Zhan is scared because he knew his father is here as well. His Father might expelled him from his university because Mr. Zhao told him already not to get close with Wang Yibo! But ofcourse, his father knew about it but chose to let it. Because Mr. Zhao has a plan for Wang Yibo and Zhao Liying that Xiao Zhan can't do anything.

Wang Haikuan sighed, "Don't worry, I'm here" He can't blame this soft bunny after what they did to him earlier, Xiao Zhan has a rights to feel scared.

Xiao Zhan slowly nodded and walks behind Wang Haikuan.

Wang Yibo crossed his arms as soon as Xiao Zhan and Wang Haikuan arrived infront of them.

Xiao Zhan, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Wang-"

"Did you enjoyed your 3 hours?" Wang Yibo sarcastic said.

Xiao Zhan, "What?"

Wang Haikuan guards Xiao Zhan to his back, "Didi, Let him pass today. There was just something happened to him" he then glanced at Zhao Liying that made her to look away.

Wang Yibo raised his voice, "Seriously brother? you defending this useless eyesore?!"

Wang Haikuan, "Bo di-"

Wang Haikuan is about to scold Wang Yibo but their dad came down.

"Yibo and Liying- oh, Xiao you're here!"

Xiao Zhan let a faint smile, "Good afternoon, Mr. President Wang"

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, "tch! even Uncle Wang likes him? attention seeker"

Wang Ziteng then grinned at Xiao Zhan before he walks towards Wang Yibo and Zhao Liying.

"My son and Liying, we need you both upstairs." Wang Ziteng then look at Xiao Zhan, "Xiao, what happened to your neck and why it is so red and has scratches?"

Xiao Zhan, "i-it just a cat's scratch , Mr. President"

Wang Yibo in his mind, "a cat's scratch, who are you fooling?"

Wang Ziteng, "Kuan, why don't you-"

Wang Yibo didn't let his dad to finish his sentence, "Brother is busy, dad. right?" then looked at Haikuan.

Wang Haikuan got it! 'Tho he doesn't want to give Xiao Zhan to Wang Yibo but he knew his younger brother won't hurt him as long as he is here. Wang Haikuan won't let Yibo to lay a hands to Xiao Zhan either.

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