Chapter 12 • Love Remains

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After the class, Xiao Zhan immediately went to the Lecture Hall. He made sure that all students were gone before he arrives here. Xiao Zhan have to find his USB because when Wang Yibo grabbed him yesterday, he forgot to took it out. Xiao Zhan must find it or else his professors won't pass him this semester. All his hard work will be turn into ashes!


He is in the verge of crying! Xiao Zhan did his best to finish all of those, he even barely to sleep at night then it was lost once because of that Cub!

After seconds Xiao Zhan heard a familiar chuckles that echoed to the entire empty room, he could hear its footsteps nearing at him as well.

That person showed up as Xiao Zhan glued to his place, "How come I'm to be blame here?" It's Wang Yibo smirking at him, he wears all black outfit like what he wore yesterday. It's obvious that he's disguising for something.

Xiao Zhan, "..."

Wang Yibo walks towards Xiao Zhan even more, "What am I? A grumpy?" he sarcastically said. Actually, Wang Yibo didn't affected from that word but seeing Xiao Zhan's stunned face makes him want to laugh but ofcourse he must hold it and it urged him to tease Xiao Zhan more.

Xiao Zhan's heart pumping so fast right now because Wang Yibo really want to close the distance between their face as he leaned closely in Xiao Zhan's ear and whispers, "Say it again but this time infront of my face.."

Xiao Zhan shivered, "M-Mr. Wang.. I didn't mean it!" he then avoided Wang Yibo's intense gaze. How dare Yibo to make his heart beats fast?!

Wang Yibo touches Xiao Zhan's cheek and gently caresses it that made him tickles abit. Here we go again Wang Yibo's heart commanding him to do things against his will but why the hell his body didn't hesitated?

Wang Yibo felt familiar everytime he's with Xiao Zhan. Before he didn't minding it but not now, Yibo chose to follow this feeling. If Xiao Zhan is Sean, why does Xiao Zhan don't tell it to him? why Xiao Zhan scared of him? and most of all why does Xiao Zhan keeps it as a secret? Wang Yibo really has many questions for Xiao Zhan, he knew Xiao Zhan will not answer if Yibo will ask him directly to the point. Well he wished this beautiful man infront of him, Xiao Zhan is his love that Wang Yibo searching for years but ofcourse there are still doubts. Feelings is not enough evidence especially this time of Wang Yibo yearning for Sean Xiao.

Wang Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan's mole first before he says, "You really looks like Sean"

Xiao Zhan widened his eyes as he pushed Wang Yibo away and replied through his thoughts, "that's because i'm Sean, idiot"

Wang Yibo mischievous grinned, "what's that push for?"

Xiao Zhan distanced his self from Wang Yibo he made sure that there's a space between them. Xiao Zhan thought before that Wang Yibo loves Zhao Liying not until Wang Yibo said he still loves Sean too, so why Xiao Zhan is in between.

Wang Yibo eyed Xiao Zhan even more and a scheme entered to his mind.

Wang Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan on his wrist, "Let's go"

But Xiao Zhan immediately stopped him, "W-Wait, Mr. Wang!"

Wang Yibo's brows met at suddenly refused and asks, "Why?"

"What if Ms. Zhao know about this?" as Xiao Zhan scratched his cheek.

Wang Yibo without hesitation and assured says, "No, she will not"

Xiao Zhan thinks for other way to shoo Wang Yibo and continue to find his USB but before he is about to talk.. Wang Yibo tightly grabbed his wrist again and pull Xiao Zhan with him, "aiyaa!! Mr. Wang! Ms. Z-Zhao! Ms. Zhao and You might- wait! ouch! Mr. Wang! I have something important to tell you!"

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