Revisited Message

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Lady Smallwood texts Mycroft about his feelings regarding his ordeal at Sherrinford; she eventually reminds him that he owes her a drink; Fluff and humor.


Flufftober fic for Oct 9th- "Text Messages"


{Surveillance of your brother and his new lady love has been updated Priority 3. ~LS}

{Thank You. -MH}

{I know you don't prefer to text; however, I'm headed into the meeting and it's more discreet at the moment. ~LS}

{Why would you have to be discreet? -MH}

{Well, a man like you doesn't particularly like to -talk- about his feelings, so texting seemed like the easier way to do this. ~LS}

{To do what exactly? -MH}

{To ask you how you're doing. You were put in a tough spot from the beginning when it came to Eurus, and after everything you have now been through, that huge could have died. Sherlock repaid the favor. How do you feel about everything that went on? ~LS}

{Do we have to do this? -MH}

{Do you only text questions? I've been your confidante for years, Mycroft. Despite not wanting to be, your existence remains a human one. ~LS}

{I know you have, Elizabeth. And yes, to my dismay I am reminded how human I am from time to time. How disposable, as all the others. I'm admittedly shaken, slightly. But only because Eurus is not any ordinary criminal or terrorist. She's Eurus, and everything her amount of intellectual prowess entails. It would be frightening for any nation that knew she existed. -MH}

{How are your parents handling things? ~LS}

{They're still upset. They'll get over it, hopefully. I dislike that they want to visit her so often. It's not healthy to be around her, and they've descended into old age. -MH}

{Your mother is tough, I'm sure she can handle it. Sherlock seems to be less of an issue these days. I'm glad for him, that he's found someone to have and to hold, so to speak. Eventually at least. Possibly. He's more human than you choose to be, more emotional. ~LS}

{Always has been. He chose wisely, however. Margaret Hooper is an esteemed doctor and medical examiner. As completely ordinary and extremely emotional as she is, she is bright in her own right. I don't mind my brother being with her, as long as it doesn't get in the way of his work. Then we'd have a problem. -MH}

{I don't think she'll be an issue. She seems lovely. Though we seem to have gotten a bit off subject. I was asking about how you're doing. How you're really doing. ~LS}

{Getting back into the swing of things. I had slowly come to terms with the fact that Eurus wouldn't let me live. I deduced it from the beginning. Then Sherlock stepped in, and he was willing to sacrifice himself for John Watson and for me. When he thought he had to kill me, I could see the child that was still inside him. Hurting and confused and emotional. I suppose I've underestimated the frequency in which that part of him visits his being. Unfortunate in most circumstances. But everything worked out for the best and we all made it out physically unscathed. -MH}

{Emotionally it lingers for a while, I'd assume. Mental torture of that magnitude. ~LS}

{I'm just living day to day, as I always have, Elizabeth. Nothing changes. There's work to do. The world doesn't stop for the weak. -MH}

{You're not weak for feeling things on occasion. That just simply makes you human. All humans need comfort sometimes. Even Thomas Mycroft Oliver Holmes. It's nothing to be ashamed of. ~LS}

{Elizabeth, do I need to remind you that you work for me, and I can have your access to anything of my desire revoked? -MH}

{No, you don't. I believe you tried to when you thought it was me who sabotaged A.G.R.A, instead of Vivian Norbury. Remember that? ~LS}

{I did apologize for that. -MH}

{Not in the way I had hoped. You still owe me a drink. You never did call my private number. ~LS}

{I figured you would be better off having a relaxing vacation without me interfering. -MH}

{Well, my vacation is over, and this meeting goes until approximately 8pm. Maybe we could catch up and have a few drinks when it's finished. If you want it to be more exciting, I can even bring the notes from this meeting. I'm sure you'll want to see them anyway. ~LS}

{Well if a debt has to be paid, I may as well pay it while I have the time. 8pm is adequate. I can have some dinner delivered too, as I know from experience there is no food allowed in the conference rooms. Humans need to eat, don't they? -MH}

{Dinner would be absolutely lovely. Misery loves company, and I will most likely be more miserable after this conference. We can be grumpy together, Mycroft Holmes. I look forward to it. ~LS}

{You always have a way of convincing me into things. I'll await your presence, and we will again be even in score of favors. -MH}

{Even it is, Mycroft. I must go now; meeting is being called to order. See you later. ~LS}

{Take better notes than last time. -MH}



Mycroft would never admit it, but he had a lovely time at dinner talking with Lady Smallwood. It pushed some of the loneliness of his singular life away. The dinner and drinks were divine, and her notes were perfect. She makes him feel in ways he never believed he would feel again: young and happy, however fleeting.

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