Hands On, Hands Off

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Molly is in the third trimester of her last pregnancy and is on desk duty at work. Sherlock comes to visit and they get a bit flirty and handsy.


Flufftober fic for Oct 22nd- "Flirting At Work"


Molly rubs her belly gently as she sits in her office amongst paperwork. She still can't believe that she and Sherlock had conceived their sixth child, especially so late in life and unexpectedly. However, she knows this child is a gift just as her other children were.

Stroking her hair out of her face, she grins as she feels a little kick. Her due date is in three months and by then, Molly will be forty-three years old. Knowing that at an advanced maternal age, pregnancies are higher risk, she has done everything she could to stay away from unneeded stress and had followed her doctor's orders about how long she should be on her feet, not to mention taking all the correct pre-natal prescriptions and keeping a healthy diet.

"Hello there, princess. How are you doing today? Growing big and strong, I hope. I know you miss your daddy's voice, but Mama does have to get a bunch of paperwork done today. Yeah, I know it's a bit boring but bear with me, hm?", she coos to her belly, rubbing the spot that her fourth daughter had kicked.

"I can't wait to meet you. We thought we were all done with diapers nearly three years ago and then you came and said "surprise, Mama, not yet." Your sisters and brothers will be happy to meet you, I think. Especially your oldest sister, Cassie. She's fifteen. A lot older than you, but she helped me come up with your name. It's lovely, just like you. You like the name Calista, right? Granted, we'll all call you Callie, but I think it's a very pretty name. It means the fairest or most beautiful. A bit like Snow White. Fitting, as your daddy and I are pretty pale, so you will be too", she giggles.

The baby kicks a few times and Molly smiles, doing some paperwork with her right hand as she keeps her left on her swollen belly.



That afternoon, Molly throws away her lunch trash and sighs, turning back to her paperwork, rubbing out a cramp in her hand. A knock on her office door makes her look up and a smile spreads across her face.


"Hello, love", he grins, walking over and giving her a bit of a neck rub.

"Mhh, thank you. What are you doing here?"

"Well I figured desk duty could be a bit boring for you, so I thought I could swing by after my case and see how my lovely wife and unborn daughter were."

"I'm glad you did. I was becoming a bit stir crazy."

"Did you eat?"

"Of course", she smiles and pulls him over to face her, getting up and kissing him lovingly. Sherlock returns the kiss and wraps his arm around her the best he can.

"Mmm...I miss your kisses when we aren't together, y'know."

"Oh do you now?", she smirks and bites her lip, tracing his jawline. "I do too...more than you know."

Sherlock smirks devilishly. "Why don't you show me then, gorgeous."

"Maybe I will", Molly murmurs, standing on her tiptoes and brushing her lips over Sherlock's teasingly. He moves forward to press his against hers and she moves away slightly, teasing him even more. "Oooh, a bit eager, are we?"

"Too eager", Sherlock growls sexily, cupping her face.

Molly giggles and moves close again, kissing him lovingly. It doesn't take long for thrill and hormones to take over, turning it into a full-on snog-fest in her office.

Soon the need for oxygen becomes too great and they pull away, panting hard on one another's lips. Somehow Molly had ended up against the wall, Sherlock's arms on either side of her shoulders.

He smirks as he catches his breath, leaning forward. She can feel his breath on her neck before he ghosts his lips over her sweet spot. Molly lets out a gasp, her eyes fluttering. "Sh-Sherlock...w-we shouldn't...but /God/...these hormones...I don't think I'd stop you."

Sherlock groans softly as he kisses back up her neck to her earlobe, gently nibbling it. "How about we take this back home...I'll tell Mike you're not feeling well. We can have some alone time before the kids get home from school", he murmurs in a deep, husky, velvety voice, dripping with allure.

Molly's body involuntarily shudders as his voice moves like pleasure through her veins to where she'd really like him to be. "God yes", she moans softly.

It takes all of the willpower inside of him to move away, and as he does, he grabs her coat. "C'mon", he grins, a sparkling glint in his dilated eyes, grabbing her hand. Molly giggles playfully as she follows him, shutting off the lights and locking up before they head to her car. As they walk, she can see Sherlock texting Mike with one hand, his thumb flying over the keys. She can't help but also drift her gaze downward, seeing the badly hidden bulge in his trousers.

"Hmm someone seems just as hormonal as I do."

Sherlock turns red and clears his throat. "Well, yes. Molly, you know what you do to me by now. Our five biological children should tell you that", he grins, arrogance and pride in his expression.

Molly snorts and shakes her head at what an impossible yet downright gorgeous man he is. "Gorgeously sexy", she thinks to herself.

"You are impossible."

"Impossibly irresistible, you mean."

"Sherlock!", she squeals, smacking his arm playfully. "Shhh, we're in a parking garage."

"Yes, but that doesn't make it less true. Though I must say, you are much more irresistible than I am, if I were to vote."

"I think our attraction speaks to both of our votes", she scoffs, giggling.

"Mmm, you're so right, Mrs. Holmes", he says seductively, pecking her neck as they walk.

"Sherlockkk", Molly mutters, turning red.

"Alright, alright, I'll contain myself. But only until the moment we step through our door. Then I am ravishing you the way you deserve."

"I wouldn't expect anything more, Mr. Holmes", she states, smirking and biting her lip enticingly as they get into her car and head back to their home.

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