Ravished and Doted

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Werewolves Sherlock and Molly go for a nightly run. When they shift back to human form, things turn raunchy, but the night ends with soothing time together.


Flufftober fic for Oct 28th- "Soothing Baths"


Sherlock and Molly rush through the woods at lightning speed, racing one another in their wolf forms, Molly's white as snow, and Sherlock's dark as midnight. With practice, Molly had finally been able to shift into her wolf form on command, instead of only forcefully on a full moon.

Since she and Sherlock had gotten engaged and had mated, bonding themselves to each other for life, they had been going out on particularly quiet nights to run and destress in their other forms, needing the freedom of the air rushing through their fur and the rush of being unrecognizable to the world; not that they would allow themselves to be seen.

Molly is much newer at being a werewolf, so her muscles get much sorer than Sherlock's do after a while in her wolf form and shifting takes a lot of energy out of her when it isn't a full moon. Coming back around to the place where they left their clothes, they shift back to human form, picking themselves up from the ground and looking at each other, hunger in their eyes.

Sherlock pulls her close against him and snogs her right there against a tree as Molly moans in pleasure against his mouth, their hearts beating as one; two halves of one soul.

Before either of them knows it, their primal wolf instincts take hold, and Sherlock is rocking his hips unabashedly, moving deep inside her as she squeals in ecstasy. Molly wraps her legs around his waist, tilting her head back against the tree as Sherlock's mouth finds the sweet spot on her neck, sucking and nipping at it in desperation.

Molly's hands find Sherlock's curls and she tugs them, scraping her nails against his scalp the way he likes, eliciting a deep, loud moaning growl from his throat. He removes his mouth from her neck and instead trails hot kisses down her collarbone until he reaches her breasts, licking, and suckling, driving her mad with need.

Sherlock continues his epithelial assault on her body as she encourages him to continue faster and harder. Their skin sticks together by their sheens of sweat as their bodies move, unhindered, against one another, finally reaching their release as they both howl at the peak of their highs.

Placing his forehead against hers, Sherlock pants hard, his ice-blue eyes looking into her honey-golden ones. Molly pants hard as well, their breaths intermingling in the space between their lips. The liberations of shifting and sharing this life-bond together allow them to feel more raging need than any human would with their own mate.

Once they both sufficiently come down from their high, Sherlock releases her gently, moving out of her body and settling her back onto her two feet. Molly rubs his chest and moves onto her tiptoes, kissing him lovingly. "Mhh, come now, mate. Let's go home and relax."

Sherlock shudders at her words and nods. Once they both dress, they hold one another's hand and walk home. He can feel that Molly is getting increasingly exhausted with every step. Without saying a word, he leans down and scoops her into his arms bridal style, cradling her close to his chest as he continues walking, picking up his pace to slightly more than humanly possible.

Molly blushes and looks up at him, stroking his jaw as he carries her. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, my little wolf."

She grins and kisses his chest before cuddling into him, realizing they are nearly home.

The second they are in their door, Sherlock sets her down and strips her again, then strips himself. Before Molly can ask what's going on, he scoops her back up and carries her to their bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and running the water.

"I know that you still get slightly weakened after shifting and your muscles hurt. Plus, our lovemaking never helps your soreness", he winks. Molly giggles and presses a kiss against his lips. "Maybe not, but it makes the rest of my body happy."

"Mmm don't tempt me, love."

"Aw, but it's so easy."

He snorts and rolls his eyes, climbing into the bath once it's filled, Molly still securely in his arms. She sighs contentedly as the hot water hits her aching muscles and adjusts herself on Sherlock's lap so she can lie against his back.

Molly goes to grab her washcloth but Sherlock places his larger hand over hers. "I'll wash you."

"Sherlock, when has that ever worked out as just washing?", she laughs.

He smirks and kisses her nose. "There's a first time for everything. Let me try."

"Alright, alright", she muses softly, chuckling at her impossible fiancé.

Sherlock takes his time washing her body, his hands taking gentle care of her and her sore muscles. He successfully washes the dirt off of her body from the forest and then massages her muscles. First her legs, then her back, and then her neck, oh so tempted to latch his lips onto that delectable spot that makes her squirm.

Shaking his head, he shakes the thought out of his mind, determined to make this as soothing as possible for her. Taking the shampoo in his hands, he carefully lathers it through her beautiful brown locks, massaging her scalp in the process.

"Mhh, Sherlock, your hands are magic."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you. This feels amazing."

"Good, that was the goal."

Sherlock rinses the soap out of her hair and washes his own body. He begins talking about the case he has to solve the next day and asks her about what her day looks like in the morgue. When silence follows, he furrows his brow and moves her hair to one side, peeking over at her. Molly is fast asleep, her head lolling onto his right pectoral. "Oh, Moll...you really are exhausted. I'm sorry I'll have to wake you up in a little bit to dress", he murmurs.

After waiting ten minutes, he gently rouses her, helping her out of the tub and drying her off. He then carries her to their bedroom and assists her in dressing before putting on boxers and curling up with her in their bed, sleep taking them both within mere moments.

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