Best Friends Forever

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Sherlock and Molly's daughter Cassidy (Cassie/Cas) has her only best friend in the world, Jacob (Jake) come over for dinner, though he may be staying for a lot longer due to trouble at home. His spirits are low and Cassie assures him he is not out of place at the Holmes' residence or in her life, and never has been (or ever will be).


Flufftober fic for Oct 10th- "Pillow Fight"


Teenage voices and chuckles are heard from outside the front door of the Holmes' residence before Molly and Sherlock's eldest daughter and her best friend walk in, toting their backpacks on one shoulder, and their skateboards tucked under their other arms. Molly grins and looks up from behind the counter, dinner having been in the oven for quite some time now.

"Oh good, you're home. Dinner will be ready soon."

Cassie smiles and puts her stuff down in the hallway. "Good I'm starving! Can Jake stay for dinner?", her teeth trouble her lower lip as she walks over to Molly and lowers her voice. "I think his mum is on an alcohol bender again, and you know how hard it is to get him to ask for help. Maybe he can stay again for a while?"

Molly hugs her ad nods. "Jake is always welcome. He's been nothing but polite and sweet since you two were kids. Hell, he's practically like family at this point. If you ever feel like he needs to be here, just let me know. It's always alright. Okay?"

Nodding, Cas hugs her a bit tighter. "Thanks, Mum. I feel better knowing that he's eating and sleeping and I didn't talk to him about putting her back in rehab, because I know it's a touchy subject for him. He wants her to be okay and to try for him...and I hate that she's more concerned with the bottle. Always has been..."

"I'll see what Dad can do to find her a good place again, and in the meantime, Jake can stay here. As I said, he's always welcome. I'm proud of you for always being such an amazing friend to him, Cassie."

A worried sigh escapes Cassie's lips and she nods. "Thanks. He's an amazing friend too. The only one I have. I really hate knowing that he's upset and not knowing when to confront him about it. I don't want to make him feel worse."

"I know. But you know him best, I'm glad you come to me with advice, and that's what it is. He's your best friend. Has been for what...twelve years? Yeah, you're seventeen now. So you know him better than anyone. So listen to your heart and when you feel like it's the right time to ask him, you'll know. He trusts you. I'm sure he'll talk about it to you in his own time as well. It's a rough thing to go through."

"You're right. I'll go up and get the cot out with him."

"Alright", Molly smiles and kisses her cheek, her own face lighting up when Sherlock walks in the door next and strides right over, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"Hello, beautiful wife."

"Mmm, hello handsome husband. What do you think about chicken parmesan tonight?"

"I think that sounds delicious."

"Jake is having some trouble with his mother again. It's no problem if he stays for a bit, right?"

"No, no problem. He's a really good kid."

"I agree. You'll have to figure out how to get her into rehab again, pull some strings, for Jake's sake?"

Sherlock sighs heavily. "I'll work on it."

"Thank you. From me and Cassie. She's really concerned about him."

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