Patched Up

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Sherlock and Molly had gotten into a big argument previously and he shows up at her door at night hurt from a scuffle. Will she help him or turn him away?


Flufftober fic for Oct 21st- "Knuckle Kiss"


Sherlock pounds on the door to Molly's house with the side of his fist. He knows that she is upset with him right now, but he needs her. This time, it's not solely for patching him up, though, that was badly needed as well. Getting frustrated after there is no answer and knowing she's home, Sherlock grunts and his hand shakes with searing pain, blood dripping from his knuckles as he grabs a small toolkit from his Belstaff and picks the lock.

Molly hops up from her sofa, her expression angry as she immediately crosses her arms over her chest and opens her mouth to yell at him.

"Molly listen, I know I was an asshole. I know I deserve every second of this punishment, and I am very sorry. But please, I think right now I'm in need of medical attention. John's at the clinic and there is no way I was going to waste away at the E.R. So I thought maybe you'd help me even if you were pissed."

Upon seeing Sherlock's black eye, split lip, and bloodied fist, all she could do was gape at him, her anger quickly dissipating into sorrow. She feels a pang of guilt in her heart and tears up. "Oh my God, Sherlock..."

"I need you, Molly."

That's all it takes and she's reduced to a soft, weeping mess as she tugs carefully on his arm, leading her boyfriend to the bathroom. She instructs him to sit on the closed toilet seat and grabs her first aid kit from under the sink. "Sherlock you need stitches", she chokes out. "I don't have anything to numb you and-"

"Just stitch me...I'll survive. You're here. I'll survive as long as I have you to come back to. Always."

Molly strokes his curls back and looks into his eyes, whirling with colorful emotion. "I may be mad, but I still love you, you clod."

"I love you too, Molly."

"Who did you fight?"

"Just a criminal. You could say he was a bit larger in stature...", he trails off.

"Sherlock, you have to take care of yourself. If not for you, for me."

"I know", he murmurs softly before stroking her cheek.

Sherlock whines a bit as Molly sews up a deep gash near his cheekbone. Once that's finished, she tries to help his lip, which stings pretty badly. His knuckles are bandaged, and Molly takes his uninjured left hand, kissing his knuckles tenderly.

"I hate seeing you hurt, no matter how angry I get. I need you to know that."

"I know that", Sherlock looks at her directly, before drawing her into his arms lovingly. "Are you still mad, now?"

"Ugh, you impossible man., I'm not mad anymore, just worried about you."

"Good. It was the worst week ever not being able to see you or be with you. Your level of avoidance was nearly professional."

"Lots of practice I suppose", she blushes. "But I'm here now. I just want a sincere apology."

"I apologize...with all my heart. I mean it."

"Apology accepted. Now let's go and cuddle on the sofa and watch bad crime shows you can deduce to death while you recover."

Sherlock grins and nods, following her out of the room and soon holding her in his arms and kissing her on the sofa. That's when he knows for certain. This is where he is meant to be. Forever.

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