Chapter 7

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Marshall hadn’t had sex in months. He was not ashamed to admit it. It was the truth.

And it was his excuse for why he found himself fantasizing about his boss.

He had chocked it up to simply the side effects of deprivation and it could be solved simply by the reevaluating his sex life with his wife. Which would have been easy, sure. If they did not have completely different desires. As much as he loved the typical vanilla sex with his wife, he knew it wasn’t doing it for him. He used to love the soft curves of Anne’s small body. He enjoyed everything about her even though she could be excessively needy. She wanted so much of him and just couldn’t give him what he wanted back.

            Maybe this feeling wasn’t new. Maybe it was always there and he just pushed it to the back of his mind. Buried it deep away under piles of other secrets, emotions, and unspoken things he’d never mention, nor even think about unless he was lying in  bed a night thinking of things he damn well knew shouldn’t.

            No. No. It was best not to think like that. It was best not to think about any of this at all. Yet ignoring it wouldn’t be any better. It would just fester and bubble. Then eventually pop.

            Marshall ran a hand through his hair. His fingers curled his brown locks and tugged hard. Fuck. Fuckity. Fuck.


That was Derek’s voice. He swiveled around his chair to face his friend. “Yeah. What’s up?” anything to distract him would be good right about now.

Derek noticed his mood but decided not to comment on it. They were friends. But not at the extremely close level where they probed into one another’s feelings. “It’s twelve thirty. I figured you’d want to get lunch?” It was the usual thing for the two get lunch once or twice a week. Come to think about it, they actually hadn’t gotten lunch together in a while. Which meant that Derek had been eating alone.

Marshall suddenly felt like an asshole. “Yes of course! Just give me a second...” He quickly put his computer into sleep mode and shoved some papers into his desk drawer. He shoved them in there so quickly he was certain that a few of them probably got bent. He didn’t care. He could just print them out again if need be. He wasn’t the one paying for the ink in his printer. Getting up from his chair he grabbed his jacket. “Where to?”

“O-kay.” Derek was a bit surprised by his enthusiasm, but decided not to say anything. “I was thinking Lenny’s, it is the closest.” He replied, walking with Marshall towards the elevator.  “That’s fine. We haven’t been there in a while, eh?”

“No. We haven’t.”


Lenny’s wasn’t crowded. That was unusual for lunch time. But Marshall knew that neither he nor Derek liked crowds that much anyway and it meant that they wouldn’t have to wait ridiculously long for their food. Both of them were in no rush to get back to work, but neither wanted to be ridiculously late either. After ordering, Marshall pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Nothing interesting. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and looked at his friend. Derek was admiring the frayed wallpaper on the wall. It was a dull beige color but it added to the atmosphere of the place.

“Is Angela still giving you trouble?” Marshall asked offhandedly. Derek’s eyes snapped away from the wallpaper quickly and his face tinged a slight pink. “Well I’ve been avoiding her well enough.” He replied. “I told her I’m seeing someone.”

Marshall blinked and took a sip of his water. “That makes sense…Wait, since when?”

Derek almost rolled his eyes. “I’m not. That’s just what I told her.”

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