Chapter 4

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Have you ever met someone who seemed to be so perfect and a little bit of everything shimmering under the rainbow that you just wanted to stab them? 

That would accurately depict how Marshall viewed Patrick as he sat across from the man and his busty blonde girlfriend as he talked about himself and his accomplishments. It didn't help that he was sitting next to Anne who was absolutely enthralled with the man. She eagerly listened to his every word and had found out that he worked at Hart-Blackwell, Inc. by a simple slip of the tongue and she continued to ask him questions about his career, education, and whatever else sparked her curiosity. Surprisingly, the blond man answered every question with a friendly grin and as a result, Marshall also learned more about Patrick than he would have bothered to find out about on his own. The tall blonde had graduated high school early and majored in business at some private college they'd probably never heard of, and then spent a couple years working for another company before returning to work at Hart-Blackwell to help repair their failing Marketing department. 

Marshall found the man's life story boring as hell but Anne continued to think otherwise and complimented the man on doing so well for himself at the ripe age of twenty eight, five years younger that herself and her husband. But he wasn't the only one tired of their prattling. The busty blonde that accompanied Patrick-Clarisse was it?-whatever her name was, she cleared her throat loudly and announced that she was going to the restroom. In accordance to the silly rule that women followed, Anne followed suit. The spectacle brunet watched them leave with a deep frown before turning back to the man sitting across from him. 

Patrick smiled calmly and cocked his head to the left. "Anne seems like a nice woman." He stated honestly. Marshall kept his jaw tight and nodded. "Yes. She is." 

"Mhm. She talks a lot though. Very... animate." The blond continued, taking sip of his glass of wine. Again Marshall just nodded and stuffed some more food into his mouth. Patrick racked his brain for a suitable way to get a rise out of him. "So... Have you fucked her recently?" 

The brunet choked on his food at hearing that. After forcing himself to swallow he glared at the blond. "That's none of your fucking business. "  

"So I take it you haven't? I know the feel. After I slept with a man the first fime I couldn't even go near a woman for a bit of time." Patrick gave a shrug and took another sip of his wine. "But then I got over it and came to accept that I liked both pickles and jars." When his glass was finished he set it down and leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head. "What say you?" 

Marshall's eyebrows knitted together as he was suddenly puzzled. "Look. I don't know where you are getting at but I swear to god if you tell Anne about us, I'll-"  

"You'll what, honestly? Marshall you are getting a bit ahead of yourself sweetheart. I'm not interested in telling your wife a damn thing. I am however, interested in you." 

The older man was taken aback but the gears spun in his brain until it made some amount of sense. "I don't know what the hell you're getting at but I am not leaving my wife for someone who I had a one night stand with at fucking hotel." 

Patrick rolled his eyes, an action that made him look even younger than his twenty eight years. "Calm down. I'm not asking you to leave your wife for me. We barely know each other at that. I'm asking you if you would like to fuck, regularly and discreetly, no strings attached. I enjoyed our...time together," A smile tugged on his lips. "And from what I could tell, you did as well regardless if you admit it or not. It would require no emotional involvement whatsoever. Honestly I think it would do wonders for both of our... frustrations. And she would never have to know." With his proposition laid out he folded his arms and waited for a response from his employee. 

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