Chapter 11

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Marshall buried his face in the pillow and groaned, rolling over. He tried desperately to hang on to the last threads of sleep but the sun was up and he couldn't will himself to. The pillow he had buried his face in smelled like sex, aftershave (Patrick's probably), and whatever hotel detergent the maids used on the linens. He pulled his face away from the pillow and forced himself to sit up. It was a feat considering Patrick had somehow draped himself over his middle while they slept. Rubbing sleep from his eyes he reached for his cell phone on the nightstand and checked the time. It was a quarter to ten. And he had two missed calls from Anne.

She hadn't bothered to leave a voice-mail and for that he was grateful. Rubbing his face, he dialed her number and put the phone to his ear. It rung twice before she picked up.

"Marshall?" She answered. There was worry in her voice.

"Hey. You called?"

"Oh, yes!" The worry was gone immediately and was replaced with cheer. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. You usually don't sleep in this late."

"I was just tired is all. The meeting and all that." He replied. Patrick shifted in the bed and moved to rest his head over the cover that had bunched up over Marshall's lap. The older man stiffened before relaxing and carding his fingers through his blond hair. He tried to ignore the domesticity of the act and continued to talk his wife. "Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine. Any idea when you'll be home?"

His phone conversation obviously woke up Patrick as the man began to stir. He shifted a bit before turning his head and looking up at Marshall with tired brown eyes. He quirked a brow at him before sitting up as well, rolling his shoulder's back to get rid of some of the tension from sleeping in such an awkward position.

Marshall looked guilty for a second and mouthed 'Anne' at him before answering her. "Probably this afternoon."

Patrick ran a hand through his mussed hair and began kissing at Marshall's collarbone, whispering good morning into his skin.

"Ah, good. I'll see you soon." With that she said goodbye and hung up.

The brown haired man set his phone back down on the nightstand before turning to his companion.

"You look like shit in the mornings by the way." Patrick said in a tired voice. It may have been an insult but it was filled with affection.

Marshall snorted. "You aren't much of a beauty prize yourself." He was lying of course. Patrick looked great, even with bags under his eyes, stubble on his chin (more of a plus than a minus, to be quite honest), and his hair a right mess. It wasn't just his physical appearance that made him look attractive. It was the charisma he seemed to be dripping with at all times. A sort of charm that he had without even having to work for it. Marshall was both jealous and enamored. Then he thought back to the picture he had seen in the man's apartment. Where he was younger--thin, long legged, and lanky. Probably still trying to grow into his body. Marshall wondered what Patrick was like back then. When his was voice was cracking and sounded more hoarse than smooth. When he smiled wide and goofy and full of crooked teeth, not knowing and condescending.

He was so caught up in thought that he hardly registered what else the man was saying. It had something to do with work.

"... and eventually, I'll have to promote someone to keep up with it apparently. And Victor has gotten wind of this and has been riding my coattails ever since."

"Wait, what?"

Patrick looked at him and arched a brow. "You haven't listened to a thing I said. I was talking about the partnership with Quartz Co. They've come under some financial issues and instead of a partnership, the big man upstairs is looking to get a merger. Or rather, have us practically absorb their company completely."

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