Chapter 1

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It seemed stupid.

Having the company workers packed into a dinner room, chattering on about their jobs and "hopes" and "aspirations" for the company, all the while pretending that they can actually stand each other. It was the last day of the company retreat at a nameless ritzy hotel and everyone was trying to make the most of the last day of their paid vacation yet still wanting to seem interested in corporate affairs. Marshall took another sip of his wine and continued to observe the fiasco through his thick rimmed glasses, easily spotting the familiar faces.

Angela the secretary had on the tightest black cocktail dress imaginable and was chatting up Derek from accounting. Derek was a tall, lanky guy and honestly he looked scared half to death. But within reason. Angela looked like she was ready to eat him alive. According the gossip rag of the corporation, Nina, she had already gone through the majority of the guys in that department. Derek would end up just like the others if no one intervened. Sad, but true. Turning his attention away from them his eyes fell on his daily pain in the ass, Victor. He had known the guy since he was in diapers and it was like he just got worse over the years. Constantly rubbing his success in the faces of anyone willing, or unwilling, to listen.

Currently he was chatting two of the higher ups. Probably talking about how wonderful he was doing as vice-chair of the Sales Department, and honestly just pinning after a promotion like a lion on the prowl. The worst thing about it was that the execs were just eating it up like fucking Halloween candy. Marshall snorted to himself and ran hand through his slicked back brown hair. Just then Victor caught his eye and smirked ever so slightly, waving him over.


Marshall had half a mind to turn tail and run. Of course, that would make a scene and a very awkward one at that. He let out a low grumble and waded his way over to them, adjusting the sleeves of his black suit as he did.

"Ah, Mr. Evans. Just the man I wanted to see." Victor drawled arrogantly. "I was just talking to my good friends here, Mr. Mathers and Mr. Hansen, about our new sales pitch. A rather sketchy one, eh? Even for being in the rough." As he spoke the two men next to him nodded wholly in agreement. Marshall wanted to point out that it was Victor who had come up with said shitty sales pitch, then tried to pass it off as the rest of the department's screw up when the rest of the company complained about it. Instead he just nodded and answered. "Of course. Someone must have been rather stupid to think it would sell."

Victor looked at him and narrowed his eyes slightly when he recognized the insult but didn't let it get to him more than that. Childish, but it still gave Marshall a tiny feeling of triumph that he was able to get even the tiniest jab in. He excused himself from the group and walked off, leaving the party and its haughty little guests behind him. The entire retreat was draining and he needed a better way to wind and there was a bar on the first floor of the hotel that seemed to be calling his name.

When he finally made into the bar he sat down and quickly unbuttoned his jacket tossing it haphazardly on the stool next to him. He loosened his tie a bit and called over the bartender ordering a simple beer. He wasn't planning on anything heavy tonight since he'd half to meet with the company the next morning for the trip back home and he definitely wasn't going to do it with a hangover.

"This seat taken?" A voice too chipper for the somber little bar they were in questioned. Marshall glanced up from his black frames at a tall blond man about five years his junior, with light brown eyes and megawatt smile. "Uh, no. Not at all." He quickly grabbed his coat and pulled it over to his lap, letting the younger man have a seat.

"Ah, thanks." Blondie said, grinning even more. "So what brings you here? Business? Pleasure? Both?"

Marshall laughed. "There is absolutely nothing pleasurable about business. Company retreat and all that bullshit. And with the people I work with? Worse than getting teeth pulled, no doubt." He took a swig of his beer and shook his head.

The younger man looked at him quizzically. "Hm. I don't know. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled and it hurt pretty fucking bad. But do tell. I'm Patrick, by the way." He extended his hand in which Marshall gladly shook. "I'm Marshall Evans. Nice meeting you."

"How about letting me buy you a drink?"


"So you are saying she actually gave a guy a blow job in the fucking break room of all places?" Patrick burst out laughing, pounding the table as he shook his head in disbelief. Both men had faces flushed red from drinking and the numerous bottles and glasses in front of them may have had something to do with it. "Patrick, I honestly wish that I was making this shit up." Marshall replied, shaking his head. "Worst part was that she threw up afterward and it was literally every fucking where." He made a wide gesture with his hands, before downing the rest of his beer. "Safe to say I won't be caught dead in there ever again."

"Blowing guys and blowing chunks. God she must be a real trip. So she still works there?" Patrick asked in complete disbelief. "They need to fire her ass." He added with a shake of the head.

"Of course she does. If they did fire her she would file sexual harassment so fast it would make the bosses head to a complete three sixty." Marshall let out a breathy sigh and shook his head. "Women are fucked up like that."

Quiet for a moment, Patrick looked at Marshall. His dark brown hair was a bit more disheveled and his tie and a few buttons had found their way undone through the hours they had sat just talking and laughing with one another. He bit his lip slowly and took another sip of beer, the taste dulling. "You have a girl, Marshall?"

Raising an eyebrow, the brunette sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Married for about 7 years now. Her name's Anne. I love her but... she can be such a bitch sometimes, y'know?"

Patrick swallowed the lumped in his throat and set down his beer, his hands shaking slightly. "I know the feel. I used to date a girl named Claudette. Huge pain the ass. Expensive too. Never did understand why I liked her so much."

"Women are complex ass individuals. I suppose it's just something we have to learn to deal with, even if it seems like the stupidest thing in the world." Marshall slowly rose to stand up, stumbling a bit. He was more than wee bit tipsy. He yawned and shook his head. "C'mon, let's head out. This place is fucking closing anyway." When he tried to walk he stumbled again, his blond companion catching his arm so he wouldn't fall. "I'll help you back your room. You're a hot ass mess right now, Mr. Evans." Patrick replied with a laugh, hoping to lighten the mood.


The trip upstairs was filled with stumbling and laughter. Mostly at each other's own clumsiness. Honestly Marshall was certain he was never usually this uncoordinated but to hell with it. Patrick was here to keep him afloat, his arm wrapped around his waist to keep Marshall from falling.

"Ah, fuck." Marshall grumbled when it wouldn't open. He had to almost fight with this door every time he wanted to get into his room since he got to the hotel. Patrick laughed and took the key from him. "You're doing it too fast." He stated, putting the card key in the slot and slowly pulling it out. "And voilà." He announced, opening the door with a triumphant grin. Marshall rolled his eyes and laughed shoving Patrick, who then fell but not without dragging him along with him. They fell down and became a mess of tangled limbs on the carpeted floor.

"You're such an asshole." Marshall tried to work his way up off of the other male when he felt himself being pulled right back down, soft lips crashing into his own.

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